There's a great irony that a movie winch proclaims to be its own modern-day gospel interpretation of the life of Jesus, is also the most accurate and Orthodox interpretation of Jesus ever betrayed on the Golden Screen.
The story wants to ask the question 'what would happen if a real life person thought that they were the Messiah' yet despite the down-to-earth question there's still miracles and Jesus is still born of a virgin via an angel.
To quote Dr. Robert M. Price: ''This movie has true theological relevance because it's the only one that takes seriously the Orthodox Christology that Jesus though a genuine human being was also God.''
The movie has a bit of a controversy behind it, mainly having to do with his sexual relations between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, also Mary and Martha of Bethany, Which is an utterly silly thing to say it never applied in the Bible. That he couldn't have gotten married to each other and let's remember in the film (and novel) he did marry all these women, not having sex with them out of wedloc.
This is old Judea, Polygamy is perfectly acceptable and legal in their society and from a Biblical point of view, It's never considered a bad thing, though there are certain parts of the Bible that do talk about or at least hint to how much of a headache it is to have multiple wives (lots of jealousy and murder)
Also the fact that most Christians consider themselves Orthodox in their thinking, when in reality they're not. Most people are adoptionist when it comes to Jesus and a good chunk of the Roman Catholics out there follow a form of docetism.
I shouldn't think I'd have to explain the basic story of Jesus Christ you have to be the dumbest bastered on Earth not to know that one, the only exception I'm giving it to Orthodox Jews* and maybe the most tribal people living in central Brazil and even then you're living in Brazil you're going to hear about Catholicism at some point.
Oh and of course Jesus is played by Willem Dafoe, I needn't say more.
A definite recommendation
*The most Orthodox Jew could at least give me the excuse that they don't want to learn about a false prophet.
In case any of you think the Muslims can get away with that, I remind you that Jesus (or Isa) is a very proper prophet in the Islamic religion, born of a virgin birth and ascended into heaven body and all. The only difference is he didn't get crucified and that's become a point of contention with is the Christian world.
The story wants to ask the question 'what would happen if a real life person thought that they were the Messiah' yet despite the down-to-earth question there's still miracles and Jesus is still born of a virgin via an angel.
To quote Dr. Robert M. Price: ''This movie has true theological relevance because it's the only one that takes seriously the Orthodox Christology that Jesus though a genuine human being was also God.''
The movie has a bit of a controversy behind it, mainly having to do with his sexual relations between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, also Mary and Martha of Bethany, Which is an utterly silly thing to say it never applied in the Bible. That he couldn't have gotten married to each other and let's remember in the film (and novel) he did marry all these women, not having sex with them out of wedloc.
This is old Judea, Polygamy is perfectly acceptable and legal in their society and from a Biblical point of view, It's never considered a bad thing, though there are certain parts of the Bible that do talk about or at least hint to how much of a headache it is to have multiple wives (lots of jealousy and murder)
Also the fact that most Christians consider themselves Orthodox in their thinking, when in reality they're not. Most people are adoptionist when it comes to Jesus and a good chunk of the Roman Catholics out there follow a form of docetism.
I shouldn't think I'd have to explain the basic story of Jesus Christ you have to be the dumbest bastered on Earth not to know that one, the only exception I'm giving it to Orthodox Jews* and maybe the most tribal people living in central Brazil and even then you're living in Brazil you're going to hear about Catholicism at some point.
Oh and of course Jesus is played by Willem Dafoe, I needn't say more.
A definite recommendation
*The most Orthodox Jew could at least give me the excuse that they don't want to learn about a false prophet.
In case any of you think the Muslims can get away with that, I remind you that Jesus (or Isa) is a very proper prophet in the Islamic religion, born of a virgin birth and ascended into heaven body and all. The only difference is he didn't get crucified and that's become a point of contention with is the Christian world.
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