Film Summary CLXI (The Dark Crystal)

Perhaps the greatest example of a spectacle film ever made. Almost all physical special effects with very small amounts of computer graphic.

This reminds me of a very strange Muppet Movie. One has to wonder 'did the Muppets evolve into these people?' Did they become the Skeksis and Mystics, you might think that's a bit ridiculous but I tell you that if you mix Ms.Piggy and Kermit the Frog together the outcome of the two is not going to be pretty.
I also really like the little monster hairball creature, not entirely sure what it is though.

So there's a little elf boy who has to get a piece of a crystal to stick into a bigger Crystal to protect the elders he lives with against the group of other Elders that are evil, but the good elders and the bad Elders are kind of the same thing. This movies a bit confusing like that, but whatever its fantasy you can write everything off as magic.

Crystals everywhere just like the kryptonians especially at the ending. You can't tell me those beings of light don't resemble kryptonians they have the same kind of reflective clothing, maybe the kryptonians evolved from these people.

There's an Eeveelution for you 'Muppets to urRu/Skeksis to urSkeks and then to Kryptonians. How's that for the circle of life.

I don't know if I like this movie. It has really interesting special effects and I'm a big old sucker for anything fantasy, there's a good colour scheme and all the puppits look great and works nicely. But the story's a bit jumbled and a little too heavy on exposition also the paysing seems a little slow.

I know one thing it's a hell of a lot better than that stupid 'Avatar' movie, which I've come to the conclusion ripped 'The Dark Crystal' off. Even if it didn't I'm going to say it did, just because.
