I have to apologize to Alien Resurrection, Prometheus and even the second Predator movie. Because this Alien versus Predator movie is crappier than all of them.
This is a crappy version of a Roland emmerich movie which is kind of sad given that Roland emmerich movies are bad to begin with, this feels like 2012 mixed with 'independence day' they just stuck a xenomorph in there.
Whats with all the movies i'm watching lately? They're all made up of gangs of Misfit morons and in this case also Bishop from Alien. I guess I'm happy that lens Henderson got himself a paycheck, that's a good thing. I like him he's a swell fella. I'd rather talk about Lance Henderson than talk about this movie, it's just CGI Alien vs a puppit predator and sometimes vice-versa. I guess I should be happy that there's puppets in the movie at all, unlike all the modern movies were it's all CGI they keep making Alien movies and they're not great.
Good to see that the alien franchise is in the same confusing category as the X-Men and Star Wars, you put all the movies together and they don't make sense anymore.
The summary is easy, ;dumb humans get killed by two types of aliens, one alien kills the other alien and then the other alien pops out of the other alien and it creates a cliffhanger resulting in a movie that's even crappier than this one. At least this I can put on TV and not give a damn, it's a no-brainer movie.
final score: Three lame Ducks out of a bathtub of gin
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