This movie is officially ''Dylan approved for wizards''*
The live-action adventure of Alisa Selezneva, her father Professor Seleznyov and Captain Zeleniy of the spaceship ' Pegasus' and their many Space Adventures. In this particular case they come across strange alien vessel, (it kind of looks like a giant meteorite with an eyeball) known as the Black Wanderer.
Out of curiosity the professor decides the board this ship and investigated strange interior, whilst doing so he comes across Gromozeka who in this movie kind of looks like a giant man. Still possessing his 4 arms but having facial features that make him accustomed to the Cowardly Lion** more than the typical Gromozeka we see within the animated film.
After the surprising event he board his ship with Gromozeka where they have a conversation with Alisa and Zeleniy. Zeleniy is upset because Alisa has brought a frog onto the ship that constantly follows him. Zeleniy wishes for nothing more than to destroy the Frog by simply releasing it into the vacuum of space, but Alisa tells him that it is no ordinary fog but a magical frog from the days of Legend. Obviously Zeleniy thinks this ridiculous merely the imagination of a child.
The professor, Gromozeka and Alisa return to the black Wanderer for the last time where Alisa discovers a black orb that contains a rare poison winch causes all people around it to go insane and try to kill one another. they dicover from this orb afterwards that the spaceship is 26000 years old and all the people who formerly lived on it were nothing more than barbaric Pirates who use poison to destroy a planet and loot it for their own amusement.
From here the crew of the Pegasus must rush back home as they discovered that the black Wanderer was heading towards Earth the whole time and that many years ago the former inhabitants had placed a black orb on the surface of Earth that will detonate within a week's time and destroy the entire planet. Alisa makes a suggestion to go back in time to the age of Legend. Despite the crews protest at such an action she inform them that she has been there before (it's the place where she got her magical frog) and that she'll take a Gromozeka with her for protection. So Begins the second half of the story.
Now in the land of Legend Alisa and Gromozeka must navigate the foreign land to find the magical magician by the name of Uur who can help them to find the destructive orb. While on their Adventure they'll encounter famous legends such as the magical stone that inform eveybody of their demise regardless of which direction they go, they'll find the old grandmother of the forest Baba Yaga and other such horrifying people of Legend such as Koschei. Yet despite all of this Alisa will achieve her goal of attaining the orb, Escape being eaten by a giant bird, destructive aliens and being eaten alive by a group of barbaric men.
After this Alisa returns home to the present day (the future for us) and with the help of the magical wizard they stop the destructive virus from destroying the planet. The frog princess turned into a real princess becasre of Zeleniy pure heart.
So this movie is wonderful it's as if somebody took 'the black Crystal' and 'Star Wars' and mixed'em together.
*This movie has a good old-fashioned traditional wizard with blue clothes and stars on them, a wizard hat and the general good heart that all wizard should have (with the exception of Robert E Howard of course.)
**If Gromozeka is a descendant of the Cowardly Lion then the Cowardly Gene has long since been lost. For Gromozeka is the most courageous alien and all the universe.
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