The man who became like a fish, the man laughed out of Academia by those who could not believe in his theory. But now he'll prove them wrong especially the man who told him off. As he'lll attack him in a boat as the fish man. You know if you're going to make yourself into a Fishman and your costume is going to be a Fishman maybe you should make sure you can kind of swim in the costume before you decide to use it in every single water scene. Because he can barely move in that stupid thing.
I would love to see a deep sea documentary made with the opening scene. I want to hear this man's Vincent Price impression throughout an entire documentary referring to different fish and what they can do. While simultaneously talking about how much he loves em.
This is the movie that wishs it had 'Hellboy' effects, because they want to be Abe Sapien (As seen left) so badly. They're just begging to have a workable costume, but because they don't they have to stick in the feet of their character swimming away from the camera in the mosty swampy disgusting water. Also you notice there's a lot of saltwater fish existing in this inland Florida Lake.
Opposing are mad scientist Fishman is a local scientist trying to discover why the waters becoming irradiated and why there's been reports of walking fish. He's the closest thing the fish monsters going to get to an antagonist and given that all he gets is a nice car a subpar lab and a sheriff who has absolutely has no interest in the case. It's a miracle he can have any success at all.And I'll tell you right now and the Sonny & Cher scientist actor share as heck isn't going to help him. Pop quiz who do you think the Swamp-man wants to steal; Is it, boring scientist man, dorky scientist man or simi-attractive blonde lady in short shorts ?
The entire towns getting freaked out because the fish man keeps killing random people. The sheriff tell everyone that is they should stay indoors. But at the same time there's this random chick who's just living at the lake in a little tent for some reason. You would think somebody would have told her hey there's a fish monster around here and the water is highly polluted. Maybe you should get out of here and not stick around the lake.
So what's the deal with all the heavy water in these sci-fi Adventures. The Fash, some of the mutants in the X-Men. They all have heavy water influences, I don't get it. Now 'deuterium oxide' does have a few interesting properties and people can use in all types of scientific experiments . But at no point can it ever turn a man into a fish . I don't care if it's science fiction or not! Make up an element, Khalidisium, Elementium, Unobtainium, Stupidatium. Whatever you want.
They just love to have their Monster smash up every set. I call it ''Citizen Kane syndrome''. After Foster Kane destroyed everything in his room everyone else decided they could get in on the action too. So now every movie and their dog has to have a room smashing event. Regardless if it makes any sense of the story, most times it's just a time-waster much like most of this movie.
The movies not as cheesy nor as bad as most people say it is, (though I imagine most people haven't actually seen the movie they've seen either a trailer or someone else's interpretation.)
Although it does have a few ridiculous moments the monster slashes down at a woman when she's on the ground screaming and you can tell from the camera shot that he didn't even touch her and then she magically dies. Or half the dead people you can see are still breathing those are a bit Unforgivable . But it's only a little things like that the film itself is kind of subpar, it's not great it's not awful. it's certainly not awful compared to lots of other cheap movies out there.
In other words yes: It is cheesy. But it's not the worst thing ever made it's not the worst movie the 1970s. Hell it's not even the worst movie of 1971. This film has sound effects, some actual acting and a script that semi cohesive .
This movie's biggest sin is being an hour and 40 minutes long. There's so much feller time that they have nothing to do with. If this was an hour long short film it would be fairly entertaining. The first half would be the build-up and the creation of the fish monster and the second half will be a very entertaining fight Montage of the monster interacting with all the people.
I tend to grade most movies on pacing, you can have the world's best story or best effects but if it moves like a snail it's not going to keep anyone's interested. On the other hand you can have a movie of a crappy story, no effects and horrible acting but if it keeps moving and keeps itself relevant then it comes off as watchable. Zaat fall somewhere in the middle (it's a bit mundane).
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