Let's take a television show that I watch for relaxation and turn it into the most stressful and Annoying video game known to man. The Price is Right is horrible as a game. You rarely win anything, you can't skip the advertisement.
And the computer characters can be the biggest Pricks in the world . I'm looking at you Becky!
Add on the problems being out-of-date by about 10 years and being a Canadian trying to guess American prices. My God everything is so cheap in your country compared to mine. There was a bag of chips that I know where I live cost about 2 to $3 (and it's the little bag.) It cost $0.50 in the states. No wonder No wonder all you people are so freaking fat.
Bob Barker is nowhere to be seen. I wasn't expecting him to do a any proper Voice work but it would have been nice to have a one-off cameo. Maybe he is in the game somewhere hidden away like a little troll. But if that's the case I haven't found them because I can't get to the final game. I can barely get past the stupid contestants row anymore. And the wheel! Oh my God I hate the wheel. You took my favourite thing from the TV show and you turned into this awful game. You never win the darn thing you'll always go over! The one time you get close to having a high score the other person will roll $1 on their first turn.
It would have been nice if they had different areas of the game. You could play the very early seventies and then move up into the 80s the 90s and the modern day. Maybe go back and forth from time to time with different prices and entirely different items.
Getting past the first game of the most annoying part. You'll win 1 out of 10 times and it's repetitive and boring. The other mini games at least have some entertainment to them there's a bit more variety. In the Showcase of the very end is an award all in itself.
But God help you you'll never get to see any of it, you're stuck in contestants row betting on crap. And it's all overpriced crap. They had a bubble-chair that was worth over $2,000!! That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen, the girl sitting on it was wobbling back and forth because it was a poorly manufactured People's Republic of China hunk of cabbage. It's the worst garbage you ever seen.
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