
I get the two are desperate to take down Carnage and his posse of more interesting villains, but come on guys. You can do better than this lame-o. Can't you get Dr. Robotnik*, Mysterio? Heck even the vulture is cooler than this guy.
I guess it's not really a bad thing, Spider-Man really is out of his element. There's a bunch of costume freaks out of there trying to attack one another. The city is falling apart and his girlfriend wants little to nothing to do with him. Even his own sentimentalises are falling apart as his ideas of virtue and value have fallen to the wayside. To take on a more pragmatic Punisher ideology. Something that doesn't really work with Spider-Man given that he's a boy scout sentimentality.
Peter Parker even remarks to himself that Spider-Man would be able to deal with the stresses better if only Mary Jane were here at his side. But she's gone and unknown to Spider-Man.
We do eventually figure out where Mary Jane is. She's at some hip nightclub dancing with a bunch of random strangers and acting a little bit ridiculous.
I Get It Mary! Your upset, Peters being a jerk and a little self-centred (despite the fact that you know his secret identity and the stress that he's under.) But at the end of the day dancing with random Men and possibly breaking up your relationship with Peter is a bit of a stretch.
If you want to go and see other people that's all well and good but maybe break up with Peter first . Otherwise it just makes you a bit of a cheating whore. And no! Being upset at your significant other does not give you the excuse to cheat on them. I wouldn't expect you to put up with that when it comes to Peter. And it's not like he hasn't been tempted. Black-cats always trying to get under his mask (in more ways than one.) And he for the most part has resisted. And if one day he did fail I would expect Mary Jane to chew him out.
But more important than Mary Jane and Peter's relationship is the very unique personalities that are about to come crashing through the doors at the local nightclub. Why it's Carnage, shriek, The Doppelganger and that other guy. All here to crash the party and cause more general mayhem.
And unfortunately the character Cloak is still alive still blabbering on about the death of his friend and still being a general nuisance. I keep hoping that something will happen to him. I really don't like this Cloak guy.
There's a weird part in the comic where Venom saves Mary Jane from Carnage's death claw. He then proceeds to lick Mary Jane on the face. Claiming that they're even for Spider-Man saving his ex-fiance some years ago.
The comic ends with Carnage and his crew retreating away, leaving the club in desolation with Spider-Man and his friends having to rescue and take care of the survivors. It's here that we see Peter Parker finally be-friend Mary Jane and the two of them are a little closer to ending their argument. You know the fight isn't over but at least they aren't at each others throats anymore**. Sadly the same cannot be said for Carnage. Who are main gang of Heroes are still trying to hunt down. This comic doesn't end with a cliffhanger like the other ones. It's a little bit more subdued and perhaps that's a good thing. Given that the last 3 comics all had Fairly heavy Cliffhangers.
Also that whole subplot with Spider-Man losing his morality doesn't really go anywhere. He's not running around hurting people and he still a bit of a goody-two-shoes at least by the standards of everybody else.
*I said Doctor Robotnik last I checked that was a sonic character. What I meant to say was Dr. Otto Octavius.
There's a weird part in the comic where Venom saves Mary Jane from Carnage's death claw. He then proceeds to lick Mary Jane on the face. Claiming that they're even for Spider-Man saving his ex-fiance some years ago.
The comic ends with Carnage and his crew retreating away, leaving the club in desolation with Spider-Man and his friends having to rescue and take care of the survivors. It's here that we see Peter Parker finally be-friend Mary Jane and the two of them are a little closer to ending their argument. You know the fight isn't over but at least they aren't at each others throats anymore**. Sadly the same cannot be said for Carnage. Who are main gang of Heroes are still trying to hunt down. This comic doesn't end with a cliffhanger like the other ones. It's a little bit more subdued and perhaps that's a good thing. Given that the last 3 comics all had Fairly heavy Cliffhangers.
Also that whole subplot with Spider-Man losing his morality doesn't really go anywhere. He's not running around hurting people and he still a bit of a goody-two-shoes at least by the standards of everybody else.
*I said Doctor Robotnik last I checked that was a sonic character. What I meant to say was Dr. Otto Octavius.
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