Well it's Star Wars. At this point in time it might be safe enough to say that it's the most popular franchise on the planet. certainly one of the top 10 And for that reason alone I will not be doing a review of Star Wars because everyone and their dog and their dogs dog and that dogs chew toy and that chew toys Chinese manufacturer already knows the story.
So instead I'm going to try and figure something out. What characters in the Star Wars universe received their names from the film itself. As you may know just about every character in Star Wars has a name. From Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi to those silly looking pointed hat aliens with the glowing yellow eyes.
But a lot of characters in the Star Wars world don't actually have a name. There made up later and stuck on a toy box so they can sell it off to little Timmy and Susie. To Proclaim: ''Look it's Coco the Wonder Horse the most amazing character in Star Wars. Or it's a werewolf from Universal Pictures movie but we can't call him that so he's name is... Ed St.Peter (Yeah I don't know what it's actually called and I'm not going to look it up)
So my goal here is very simple. List off all the characters that are properly named in the Star Wars movie. And maybe blabber on about a certain scene or two.
And the first character to be named is r2dtoo the little walking trash can. The gold-plated man who resembles the the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz called him by name.
The character known as Lord Vader is the next one to be mentioned.
It's a good thing he's a Lord, because I don't imagine he'd last five minutes in the House of Commons. Mr. speaker Would inform the Sergeant-at-Arms to have him thrown out almost immediately. If he tried any of that Jedi crap.
Later on another character will refer to him as ''Darth'' Vader. Our next character to be referenced is Luke the Plucky young man who lives with his aunt and uncle. He's also informed by his aunt that they need to get a robot that speaks bocce. Who would I guess bocce balls are sentient. I like the idea of a sentient bocce ball. I bet they speak off brand Italian.
Now we get reference to the character Uncle Owen as Luke calls him by name after watching a little robot tin can explodes. After this the little golden tin man finally refers to himself as C-3PO. The overly chatty robot.It's during this conversation that Luke somehow activates the robots little message of a strange woman referring to a man known as Obi-Wan Kenobi (The world's silliest name.) Now Luka course wonders if this is linked to the old man Ben Kenobi. A more suitable name if you ask me.
Not that any of it matters Luke's off to dinner after hearing from his aunt beru.
After this Luke has to deal with a problem. The little tin robots run away from him and he would try to go after I'm but there's too many 'sand people' at night.
It's after this
that we get references to Luke's father. He's never given a name but he is giving a bit of importance. And it's implied that the character Darth Vader who was an underling to Ben had killed his father some many years ago. Keep in mind that this is all before the newer films came and revise the whole thing. Later we get name Stormtroopers, after an attack on a big moving brick vihicle
Well I have to say I'm actually surprised here. I was unaware that in the Star Wars movie The Little pointy hair yellow eyed creatures were actually referred to as Jawas. I always thought that was added on later.Our next group of characters comes about when Harrison Ford introduces himself as Han Solo refers to he's ship the Millennium Falcon and even to his walking carpet chewy. All this taking place in the Star Wars bar full of Hollywood's Old costume departments from the last 45 years. Everything from Devil, werewolves, a weird vampire thing. There's even a ghoul or two if you're willing to look.

And now we finally get a name to my favorite character in the entirety of Star Wars. ''Governor Tarkin'' As played by the Fantastic Peter Cushing. His name is given by the princess. Who is at this point finally giving her name ''princess Leah''. I'm often reminded of an interview somebody had given to Peter when talking about his character from this film. And one of Peter's reactions being I still don't entirely know what a 'Grand Moff' is. Oddly enough It's never referenced in this movie.
And that's pretty much it for characters that are named. They make references to a bunch of the pilots having numbered names like 'red leader' and all that . But as for big
characters or established groups that's all of them. I
missed the name of one of the fuzzy camo-creatures back on the desert planet but rest assured that thing was named to.
So that's about 20% of all the characters featured in the movie. Everyone else has a name that imposed on them later.
Characters named in the film:
1.RtooDtwo 2.Lord (Darth) Vader 3.Luke 4.Uncle Owen 5.C-3PO 6.Obi-Wan Kenobi
6-II. Ben Kenobi 7.Aunt Beru 8.Sand People 9.Bantha
10.Luke's father* 11.Stormtroopers 12.Jawas 13.Han Solo
14.Chewy 15.Greedo 16.Jabba** 17.Governor Tarkin 18.Princess Leah
*We never seen Luke's father nor do we ever get a name but it's characters mentioned enough that I feel only right that we should include them.
**He's another character only referenced in name and never seen. I wonder what people thought he was originally, if they thought he was like an Al Pacino mobster.
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