Film Summary CCLXXXVII (Two Weeks Notice)

Or two minutes in and I'm already seeing something that bothers me. There's this picture that's supposed to be a young Hugh Grant sitting next to Richard Nixon of all people and it is just the worst looking graphic. His head looks like it belongs on that Laura Croft girl from those Tomb Raider video games.

Now none of that matters because the opening scene is Sandra Bullock trying to defend some Condemned movie theatre that looks like it's going to fall down. And she and this other stereotype New Yorker are just screaming their heads off. I don't know what it is about American films but you people just keep screaming. It's not funny! It's just kind of annoying. I like Sandra Bullock in a lot of movies, but she's not giving me a good case here.
So Sandra Bullock gets arrested because she's trying to get in the way of construction workers doing their job. Her parents have to bail her out of jail. They're trying to act all kind about it and I gave her this magazine of what's going to be her future lover. Who has the audacity to want to build condos where the movie theatre was. Oh my God! Not housing! Anything but housing. What evil man would dare to do such things.
So now we get the only seen in this movie I Remember from years ago. Sandra Bullock ordering Chinese food. Which is a scene that lingers on for too long.
This is all before we transfer over to Hugh Grant. Playing the evil rich man. You know he's evil because he's rich and he's around other people that are a bit full of themselves. Oh the humanity! How dare these people have class and respect for themselves. Truly they must be taking down a Peg and taught the simple ways of life.
Watching this movie again I realise that Hugh Grant is much better at acting then Bullock.
Or at least he is in this movie. She's supposed to play this awkward hippie chick, but you just comes off as a weird little dork who can't deliver her lines right. It's kind of asinine. Especially given that this is a fixer up movie. Or Sandra Bullock is going to have to take Mr.Grand and more payment to the much better man. But I'll be in love with the trees or nature or some other such garbage. When in reality he's not the one with the problem. You might be a bit cocky and fold them self but last I checked self-confidence wasn't they crutch it was a virtue. Now that's not to say that Mr. Grant's doesn't have problems. He's a bit of a womaniser, and it's affecting his work. He keeps hiring weird bimbo women that just want to sleep with him instead of hiring people that can actually do their job. Clearly this man hasn't heard of a mistress. Or at least a simple mistress as opposed to a work mistress. Then again this guy isn't go to be married for long so he doesn't really need a mistress and I don't know why he has to have people that work with him. Sounds like he's just go over to Nevada and just get himself a hooker for a couple of days. Save himself the stress. It's clear that he has the money to do so. He'll be hanging out with Donald Trump later on.

Everytime Sandra Bullock pops up in this movie I get annoyed. She's a chatterbox in this movie She Talks to quickly and she has nothing on relevance to say half the time. Your character is not endearing it's annoying. Quite frankly I find it incredibly difficult to want to be on your side.

Maybe this is just me but I find Sandra Bullock has two types of acting. And two of these are extremes. She plays the yappy unconfident hippie girl who's very bouncy and very weird but yet still surprisingly good looking and able to hook up with people far beyond her own social structure. Or she plays an incredibly arrogant kind of uptight woman whos so full of herself and so confident that she can win over any man and she doesn't really give them the time of day. Every here in there you'll get her to stick in between these two extremes. Pull off something that almost resembles a real person within a film. But it seems incredibly difficult task and she doesn't make good money when she does it. People want to see an extreme from this woman. They want to kick the man in the teeth or they want her to be the victim who inevitably overcomes the man and becomes a better person for it. Sometimes she'll go against another woman and these people are always betrayed as incredibly stuck-up cows.

I can't believe how much I dislike everyone in this movie.The bad part is it's not so stupid that it becomes comedic. Like say: ''You've Got Mail'' That movie was so disconnected from reality that it'd became kind of comedic in its own unique way. It felt like this weird offbeat romanticised New York. Which is what a lot of these movies want to be. I'd like to think that they take place in the same universe as P. G. Wodehouse it's very much the same kind of atmosphere. Only instead of Pompey English aristocrats. It's New York styled hippies and business tycoons. A kind of Atlantic romanticised film industry of the 1920s.

You know what I take it all back. Both our main characters are equally useless equally annoying high up on their own ideas and completely unaware of how the world works. At least outside of their respective professions. They are perfect for each other. True love conquers all, the end

The biggest thing to take away from this film is the understanding that you should have watched Miss Congeniality instead.
