You have spare time in your life? Well don't fear for the people in SimCity are here.
Well the premise of this game might be the simplest of all video games. It's quite literally in the title. Cities. You need to create a city, or possibly a large town. There's nowhere in the game that demands that you have to create massive skyscrapers and stick them inside of metropolis. You can literally just make a small town countryside, create Smallville and live out your days in a meager Town whose population can never push Beyond 200. But I suspect nobody actually wants to do that. Unless you're looking to get the farmers market achievement . And when I say achievement I mean an actual reward that gives you a farmer's market in the game. Not just some lame ass sticker that pops up on the side of your screen saying; ''Good job net-wit''
Now there are two ways you played this game. One: you follow the rules exactly, build up your small town into a city, follow the guidelines of all your counsellors and make sure your electrics, water transportation and education are all kept up to Snuff. Or you can play the game where you cheat and create fast amount of money by modding the game or putting in the cheat ''you don't deserve it'' So you can unlock every reward at the very beginning. Personally I always lean to the ladder because I don't want to make basic towns half of the time, I want to create Megacities.
Though it's not a smart idea to build cities this way as your population at some point will go nuts and start rioting, burning down or just abandoning because you weren't able to keep up with the demands of hundreds of thousands of people flooding into a town that only has enough electricity to support a quarter of that.
An added bit of fun you can have with the Sims games is the ability to add custom mods that people have created on the Internet. Everything from massive skyscrapers to a personalized Tim Hortons coffee shop. Because if you're going to make a stereotype Canadian city you have to have Tim Hortons. There has to be at least one Tim Hortons for every 50 people. And I'd make more of a joke about that but where I live it's quite the reality.
Now I will tell you just how ridiculous things can get. I shall take you along the journey of Donald Trump ''the world's worst mayor''. While searching for mods I discovered Trump Tower and thought to myself; ''that would be funny to stick in one of my downtown sectors''. But as time went on I decided to create Donald Trump's personalised City. This would come to me after he won the presidential election. So I created Bob's town who introduced Donald Trump with the White House, personalised golf course and a crap ton of military bases to make up for his lack of financial success. At first the town was doing pretty well but Donald kept wasting money on bag projects like a giant Park that spelled his name to be seen from space. Or the continuous influx of militarisation and dirty industry. The people of Bob's Town became distraught and demanded that Donald Trump leave at once.
Bob being a majestic and proper mayor did just that. Now Donald Trump was left on his own and went out east in search of empty land he could claim for his own. He created his own personal City, ''Trump-land'' with ''The Donald'' as mayor. He established Trump Tower, The White House and a business district next to a giant industrial complex for all the jobs he was promising to the people. The town had terrific amount of corruption. A lacking education system and was woefully over budget. The pollution levels were becoming dangerous all throughout the city. Only on top of trump Hill was the pollution livable. But there are other problems too. ''Hillary town'' was a place Donald could never get rid of in the very Corner was a small chunk of territory with the only Road in or out of the city and one could never ignore that Hillary was there. It also became quite evident ''Russia town'' was taking up too many resources, an overly elaborate police station, Orthodox churches, large chunks of greenery (that benefited only the people who lived in the gated community) and strange underground tunnels and Metro systems that mysteriously only connected to ''Russia town'' and Trump Tower with convenient Escape Routes .
Organised crime started growing in influence too. They introduced casinos and started looting all the local businesses. It was a strange conundrum despite the fact that the entire town was covered head-to-toe in police. Crime mysteriously didn't go down. And oddly enough only the people on Trump Hill where exempt from police investigation. The saddest tragedy of all was that the people of Trump Town cannot Escape. There was no mayor Bob to bring back stability.
Trump is the man who runs the town and they're stuck with him. And God help you if you are a Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Hindu, Baha'i and other none-Trump committed organisation and or religions. The idea of building a mosque or a synagogue in Trump Land and is out of the question.

and a massive fishing industry. He stole Donald Trump's clients and left him in the dust. And when Donald Trump tried to take revenge on him by burning down one of his local libraries . Lex Luthor burnt down half of his industry. And sent an alien invasion to destroy the ''jobs district'' that existed inside Trump's land. Today Donald Trump loses people day by day while Lex Luthor grows more powerful. All the world cowers in fear as they remember the true face of a criminal mastermind.
And yet despite their fear they are truly happy. For if they must live under tyranny it is better to live under the watchful eye of the almighty Luthor then the stupid thumb of trump. Lex Luthor also allowed the building of mosques and synagogues within his land as well.
He also went about buying all the Washington DC monuments. To ensure that the Donald could not acquire them for himself.
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