Of all the Sonic cast Tails was my favourite. He came in in a time when the franchise was still fresh and simplistic. He didn't add a stupid gimmick to the game mechanic or to the overall atmosphere. I can't say character dynamic because there wasn't a dynamic at that time.
Here's a blue Hedgehog, he's chasing down a fat man in an egg and if you know what you're doing you can find these weird little shortcuts that grant you access to magical crystals. Like some sort of effeminate Wiccan Protestant Moon worshipping cult.
But getting back to Tails I always preferred is look to Sonic. At the end of the day Tails doesn't look that different from the actual fox. Sure he's anthropomorphic and he has shoes and he stands upright but his overall design still resembles what he supposed to be. Sonic the Hedgehog doesn't look anything like a real life Hedgehog. He resembles this strange alien creature with weird spikes coming out of like some sort of Xenomorph. And of course he's blue! I haven't any idea why he's blue. Maybe he was invented by the fat man.
If I remember right there was some back story about how Tails external mutation of an extra tail came about because of the fat man the experiments. I know I could call him Dr.Robotnik or whatever the heck his name is, I simply don't care.
However I do remember Tails actual name ''Miles Prower''. Not only is the pun amusing but I just love the idea that this little young enthusiastic fox who lives in the world with a zany characters such as ''Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna and Amy Rose'' has the name of a banking account.
has the Sonic Universe evolved so too did all the characters. I really found that Tails was the only one I could put up with for any amount of time. Well Amy Rose was okay when she was giving a character trait more advanced then; ''I like Sonic. I want Sonic''. I only saw tails is the more pragmatic answer to Sonic and his rush in go nuts attitude.
The one who is able to provide technical support and assist with more intellectual problems. Admittedly none of that actually comes off in any of the games. He's just another character who will do the exact same thing as Sonic. But even in that context I still thought he was better. I mean he could fly after all. That makes them infinitely more valuable than Sonic who could only run on the ground and if he encounters water he'll practically die.
Now on to the actual comic:
The story takes place in some long extended universe where Sonic and his Pals have been fighting Dr. Robotnik for several years. It seems that fat-man owns most of the planet and is more less won the overall War. Sonic along with everybody else are fighting in a kind of last ditch effort to either liberate the planet or possibly just a small chunk of it from the fat man's ways. This universe has a bunch of expanded characters and lore that I know little to nothing about.
There's this cowardly Fox who's portrayed as a French stereotype out of a 1960s Hollywood film and this robot bunny rabbit (or half robot) whose name escapes me. These two are in a romantic relationship that are now currently married. Tails has decided to take two of them to some secluded Island for their honeymoon.
While their Tails will spend some time at a log cabin where he'll regale us with stories of how he came across this place and how he's life has been altered over the years. We also come across his antagonist. These strange looking bird creatures which I just currently leaned came out of a Tails centric video game.
And we get to one of these antagonists that really bothers me. He's this green looking bird who's all upset because Tails can fly. As he proclaims it; ''only the birds are allowed to enjoy the sky''.
I have a few points to make about this:
1.Screw you.
2.That's really the reason for going after Tails? Because he has the audacity to fly.
3.You don't have any Wings! You shouldn't be able to fly. You just float there like some sort of telepathic being. What are you Jean Grey from X-men?
Say what you will about Tails unorthodox flying patterns. But at least he has a semi logical excuse. His two tails create a kind of propulsion system that can move him around. This other jerk doesn't have anything and as I stated he just kind of floats around. He's the cheap guy who has no right to be flying.
So most of the story is just Tails trying to figure out where is kidnapped friends are in attempt to rescue them. He makes lots of remarks about how its Sonic was here everything would be dandy and that now he has to do it because he's the only one. Your typical character growing up scenarios.
Funny enough I kind of like the secondary story with the bunny character and the supposedly dear leader of this bird organisation. They all think she's working for the fat-man because she's half robotic and I guess anything that's robonic must be working for the fat man. So she does the typical pretending to be evil thing to get more information. It's one of the more interesting parts of the book. Beyond her caddy behaviour towards the bird leader we also get some amusing shots of her holding a champagne glass She's really hamming up the evil performance. The penciling in this whole section is kind of nice. All the facial drawings are really well done and overall is just kind of fun to read. I'll give this book that if nothing else the drawing Styles kind of nice. It's simplistic and he could certainly find better things out there but for what it is is not bad.
Rest of the story is just all the different characters trying to manipulate the birds and inevitably fighting the birds at the end in a big old dual. Everything turns out for the better. The Bunny and the fox get to have the relationship back and Tails gets to Drink some coffee.

A shame that most of the Sonic universe is so stupid looking. It works fine for the Basic, Cute or Funny characters but the serious ones just look so lame. I mean that's because I just can't take the Sonic Universe seriously. I mean come on now, it's one of the silliest things that ever existed and it should remain that way. Any time Sonic close to me realistic more edgy it just comes off as absolutely pathetic*. Stick to what you know Sonic. Run fast, stay 2D and never be serious.
Oh and maybe keep a video game mechanic for more than one game. Actually give you a chance to hone in on your skill and make something decent.
*I'm not against people trying to make a serious story. After all variety is the spice of life. I'm just stating that it probably won't turn out very well. But by all means make whatever story you want. Never let anyone's opinion stop you from having a creative input on the world.
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