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After all Redlettermedia makes films from time to time and I've watched them.
Their Space-Cop one (though not very good) is watchable. So maybe James film will be the same.
I originally was going to compare this movie to ''Alien versus Avatar'' this crummy fan film that was made several years ago. But progressing through the AVGN movie a little more I discovered that it's actually a lot better than that. This film at least knows how to fill up most of its run time with something.
I'd argue that this movie doesn't really have a point to exist. It's a very long Angry Video Game Nerd episode that somebody said should be turned into a movie. Maybe just to try and hit that supposed ''golden standard'' that anything popular at some point has to have a movie. Which is ridiculous in my eyes. Films are a very particular medium and a great deal of things shouldn't try to fit that mold.
The whole thing reminds me of Birdemic. It's on the same level quality as that film. Which got me thinking about different quality films in the world of bad movies. Because I don't view all bad films as the same.
Some are bad but in such an amusing way that you kind of want to watch it. While others are so badly made, so boring. You can't even bring yourself to watch it all the way through.
Think of the movie The Room. Technically it's bad on a lot of levels. The acting and chemistry are all over the place, people's lines don't mix with each other. The English language is used so badly that it makes my writing look good. (And nobody should be worse than me!)
Its story is oddly incoherent and the tone the film is trying to capture doesn't work at all.
But at the same time it's filmed on multiple cameras (professional cameras to boot) it's actors are given some form of Direction, it has a script, it understands pacing, there's lighting work, sound editing and the overall cinematography at least gives it the illusion that it's ''professionally''-made movie.
Which makes it all the more fascinating to watch as you see someone's attempt at making an artistic piece of work.
and you see the whole thing falls apart as the creators misdirect the hole project. And oddly enough the film becomes a different piece of art.
A kind of creative failure.
Which sometimes can be just as beautiful as the intended project. In this case it was probably better than the intended project as no one would have remembered The Room if it was just a middle-of-the-road romantic drama.
Now you look in the movie like Birdemic. And you can notice an immediate shift downwards in quality. Their story (if one dares to call it that) isn't long enough for a feature film.
Their actors are horrible, they have no chemistry and next to know acting quality and the padding in the movie is ridiculous. The Room for all of its flaws at least has pacing. this film is boring there's an entire segment we are just watching people driving cars from one destination to the other adds nothing to the film it doesn't give you a sense of atmosphere and there's no story to be learned either. It's literally just there so they could pad out the run time.
And then finally we have movies like The Amazing bulk. This is the lowest end of the spectrum, almost all of the movie is done in front of a green screen the superimposed images from the green screen are all images they didn't make. They have minimal actors (if one wishes to call them that) and there's not really a story either. They kind of just make things up that can go along with their already established green screen effects. It's so badly made that I could actually do better. And I would never say that about The Room and I wouldn't say that about birdemic either. I can't make those films I have no film experience I know nothing about lighting and I can't act. They are beyond my skills. But the amazing bulk is something that even I could do better.
And I would never say that about The Room and I wouldn't say that about Birdemic either. I can't make those films. I have no film experience. I know nothing about lighting and I can't act. They are beyond my skills. But 'the Amazing bulk' is something that even I could do better.
Now the AVGN movie belong somewhere below The Room but above Birdemic. Although I think most of the film is subpart there are little moments that are done relatively well. James at the end of the day can act and he has a Charisma about him that makes you want to watch what he's doing.
The biggest flaw is half of his Supporting Cast lacks any Charisma and you just don't care what happens to them.
I kind of want to see James make something else. I think he has it in him to make an entertaining film. He certainly has talent. A lot of his little skips during his review videos are quite funny. And some of them were well-made while other ones are done purely with a green screen and purposely bad editing techniques so they can resemble his work from over 10 years ago. I kind of like it a mix of amateur and professional mixed together for comedic effect. And his vulgarity with his humour has evolve somewhat over the years. He's tone down the screaming and he allows himself to have some actual jokes from time to time with his newer Content. A part of me would love to see him dump the vulgarity all together but that's become something of the bread-and-butter staple of his act at this point.
It be like asking Rodney Dangerfield not to talk about his wife.
I kind of wish him better than most. He's been on the Internet longer than most, his been making content the entire time and he's managed to keep his personal business life separate from each other. He doesn't seem to have any drama connected to him.
Maybe at some point he'll drop the character altogether and just be James Rolfe. The guy who talks about things.
But let's answer the biggest question of all. Is the AVGN movie better than Space Cop? I'd say it is.
Although I'd rather watch the people from red letter media
I can't deny that this was a better made film. Pacing is one of the most important things to me and this film just did that better. It also helps that the star of AVGN is more enjoyable to watch on screen. I like Rich Evans as much as the next guy but he's not an actor. He's just Rich Evans the self-proclaimed mascot of redlettermedia.
Or maybe I'm completely wrong about that statement because I've already forgotten most of Space Cop the movie. I can still remember a little bit of this. I'm sure in the long run both of these films will blind together into a incoherent forgettable miss.
Oh! As for the actual plot. Marketing company wants to recreate ET the video game but they have to go and reacquire the old cartridges? For some reason they decided to get the Angry Video Game Nerd to do this as some sort of publicity stunt. The whole thing goes off and weird directions. The Angry Video Game Nerd discovered some greater plot involving aliens and the military and then has to overcome and Destroy his fear of ET the video game. And as weird a premises as that sounds it's kind of straightforward and not that risky.
I like the medical fight scene. In where the Nerd has launched into a military base disguised as a UFO alien and then taken to a dissection table where the doctor's for some reason can't tell that it's a guy wearing a Halloween mask and use about rectal scanner as opposed to a retinal scanner for the door. See that's crude humour that I found amusing, it can be done.
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