Film Summary CCCLIII (Tenjho Tenge)

So generally when I review something I have an understanding of what that thing is. Or at the very least I'm in the ballpark. But I found this random DVD case in a box full of discarded DVDs in the back of my garage behind the box of lamps.
There was plans to have a garage sale, so family members came by and dropped off random boxes of stuff they didn't want anymore. One of those boxes contained a bunch of DVDs. 

Why does everyone's old DVD collection always have a copy of either 2005 King Kong or Sam raimi's Spider-Man films? And it's always Spider-Man 3. I swear you can go to a thrift store and find those things everywhere. You could plaster an entire room in Spider-Man 3 DVD cases and create a new form of insulation. That might be the best use for them. I mean if the Russians can turn their valuable literature into Building Material then surely we can turn our Hollywood trash into insulation.

So amongst the box of DVDs was this strange Japanese looking cartoon. Well I say it's Japanese, we could very well be American or Brazilian for all I know. But it's aping off of that Japanese animated Style.
and the actual compact disc is really pink. Like a really nice pink, it's kind of Pepto-Bismol bright but it's not a sickly.

So I pop the DVD into the computer and turn it on. And we get this intro of a girl wearing a bandanna as a bra. I don't think that's going to help her at all, those little puppies are going to fall out at every moment. It's all done in English dub. And it's not very good, it's so darn difficult to watch a story you're not interested in especially when it's act by people who haven't the slightest interest in the world.
This whole show is tone deaf. And coming in at some point in the middle just leaves me feeling really confused. There's a bunch of overly serious looking boring guys with the same ugly boring face all staring at each other like a bunch of idiots. Then there's this bouncy girl who has ridiculous hair and a shirt that doesn't fit her. She keeps doing these high kicks and she's wearing a mini-skirt so you can surmise what happens there. It's all just a bunch of Cheesecake.
And the animation is really cheap. Like we're talking He-Man Masters of the Universe cheap. But at least that show was so campy and so silly to look at that you were kind of amused by it. Hear everything is flat and boring.
So one of the random Fighters is punching this super computer machine to see what is hit radius is like.
And the guys wearing these tiny little Speedos that clearly don't fit him. He has the same problem as the girl with the bandanna bra. He moves in the wrong direction and everything's coming out for the world to see. I guess if anything we can say the show has equal opportunity cheesecake.

I know I should talk about the story or the characters, but I just don't care about any of them. I'm more interested in the ridiculous clothing.

So there's this stupid thing towards the end of this where they go on about the moralistic disciplines of martial arts. How supposedly a good manners person is supposed to wield the skill better than any delinquent. And this is always been annoying to me. No fighting style has ever been determined by somebody's moral compass. A person's discipline can certainly affect one's fighting ability but that's about as far as it goes. I mean just look at Thomas Pitera from the Bonanno crime family. That guy was one of the most Savage sons of Bitches that ever lived.

I'm sure somebody out there likes this. But it's just not for me.
