Toy Story 2 is still pretty darn good. And as of the moment I'd consider it to be Pixar second best film. I still like Wall-E more.
Toy Story 2 has the luck of being a very well-made sequel. Much like Godfather 2 or the Empire Strikes Back*. You have an established story that gives you all the little details you need for the universe along with bits of character development to get the ball rolling. So you don't have to waste your time having to reestablish all of your original characters. You can just skip all that and get straight into a more interesting story. Introducing new characters, secondary plots and anything else you wish to do. There are several different be stories within this movie that have absolutely no point to the overall story. We didn't need a scene of Barbie driving the other toys around explaining what's going on in Al's Toy Store.
nor did we need a secondary Buzz Lightyear character for comedic effect. But because so much of your main story is already explained you have the luxury of putting them in your films about needlessly expanding on the overall story.
I want Al's life.
Now I don't want to be Al because the guy is kind of a jerk who steals from other people. But what I would give to have the things in his life. He owns a fantastic late 50s car. He lives on the top floor of a nice art deco style building where children aren't allowed. He works across the street from where he lives and he's the manager of the store. Sure the guy's life isn't perfect but that's one hell of a foundation.

Also I already dressed like Al half the time anyways so I wouldn't have to change my wardrobe at all. I do have a full head of hair but I'd sacrifice that any day of the week for the car.
When I first heard about Toy Story 2 coming out I thought it was going to be horrible. My young little 10 year old mind thought that the original Toy Story was the best movie you could possibly make and there was no way to top it. And then to have Toy Story 2 come along and succeed what the original was was just so great. unfortunately the third movie didn't do that at all. I also went into that movie thinking it was going to be a horrible piece of crap. And although I was pleasantly surprised that it was a decent film, upon reviewing it again I don't think it's a good film. And now there's a Toy Story 4 coming out and I have absolutely no interest in seeing it.
Toy Story is one of those worlds where my brain likes to play a round of all the different characters and Concepts. I like to think of all the little ideas and Back stories that can be made for every individual person. And then a little logical part of my brain says; ''No! We don't need that.'' The reason you liked it so much is because you can play around with it in your mind.
The second anybody decides to put it on-screen it'll just disappoint you. Almost guaranteed.
*Doesn't that sound horribly pretentious. Comparing an okay Pixar movie with two of the best received movies in cinematic history. Although with wear being completely fair I think all three of these movies are exaggerated.
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