There's a new She-Ra cartoon coming out. What a perfect time to go back and watch the He-man She-Ra movie.
Yep that's definitely the reason I'm watching this; Because of its association with a new cartoon and not because the film ''The hateful eight'' is 3 hours in length and therefore is too long to watch at the moment.
It's the mighty retcon story. Introducing a second character into the universe where she previously didn't exist. Along with her own host of bad guys for her own unique TV show. She-Ra the sister to He-Man who was kidnapped by the evil Hordak.
And the subsequent existence of her was wiped from the memory of all the people in Eternia. Which makes you reconsider the entire earlier part of the show and where Man at Arms and the royal family were keeping the secret of He-Man sister from him and everyone else.
Or at least that's something you could do if you actually wanted to put any thought into the He-man Mythos.
Personally I think you're wasting your time with that. The whole point of He-Man is that it's a bunch of weird random crap all links together with no real Rhyme or Reason.
If you want He-Man and space; put them there. You want him underground; put him there. You want him to now have a sister and have her take on her own Adventures; Do so.
As for the movie itself. It's, okay.
A very cheap 80s cartoon show that feels like an extremely long episode of He-Man and then an extremely long episode of She-Ra.
It's dialogue-heavy, it's full of comical relief and a simple good guys versus bad guys plot.
The only interesting thing is that She-Ra was actually a puppet of The Mastermind of evil who was being used to control the populace.
Then she's able to break free via her magical sword and becomes a good guy in the end who helps to bring Harmony to our land.
Most of the animation is just recycled stuff from the TV show. Everybody moves the exact same way and they all have that weird stilted walk to them. Honestly it just adds to the charm of something this cheap.
He-man's one of those wonderful shows where if they tried any harder it would go from campy fun to just plain crummy.
But because he man is fully aware of what it's supposed to be it gets to have a lot more enjoyment with its Over the Top and scenarios and stupid dialogue. And if I can give the movie one big piece of credit it's all the background scenery. One thing He-Man and She-Ra is very good at is creating these wonderfully drawn ridiculous alien worlds. There's so much micro detail to it. Which is hilarious when you contrast that with the incredibly simplistic characters.
As character design goes everybody is wonderfully colourful and ridiculous. The villains are all over the top dark and speaking with some sort of lisp. All the good guys are so brightly coloured that they look more at home in a pride parade than anywhere else. Which let's face it; That's where they're designed belong.
All the Glorious colours of the rainbow.
Is the movie worth watching? Not really. If you want the origin story of She-Ra I guess it's good for that but otherwise the cartoon is just better. It works better for the format being a simple 20 minutes as opposed to a drawn-out hour and 20.

Whatever negatives I have to say about this movie it's still leagues better than the live-action He-Man film. At least this movie has interesting bits peppered for out.
Anyone else think that Kowl was the influence for the Furby. Maybe the Furby existed before him, I'm not entirely sure.
I just learned that this movie is actually 5 episodes of She-Ra all compiled together. Which makes a lot more sense given that their pacing magically stops and ends every 30 minutes. Also explains why the last half an hour seems completely pointless.
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