I didn't think it was possible, but somebody made an internet cartoon revolving around Sonic that isn't completely cringe. It's some sort of miraculous Miracle.
Everything involving Sonic the Hedgehog is horrible. All those stupid fan cartoons, the comic books. Even a good deal of the games it's just utter crap.
But it turns out if you take Sonic as a character, give him a really douchey personality and stick him in the world with uncaring friends and a lackluster attitude with just enough motivation to go and get rent. you'll end up with a halfway decent story.
Honestly it just feels like somebody took an Animal House film or American Pie and then through Sonic the Hedgehog on it.
Ultimately what I think worked out best in their favour was taking an incredibly simple premise of Sonic going from one game to the next to try and make ends meet and pushing that into an over-the-top overarching story it heads out at any random Direction at once with no Rhyme or Reason. Or as I like to call it going the X-Men route.
Well that in the overly stupid caricatures.
Such as Egg-man who spends most of his time lounging around in his underpants, eating a enormous amount of food.
Which creates my favourite environment for entertainment. Stupid indifference. Instead of focusing on some overarching story or trying to keep continuity up you can just take your characters give them any old personality you want and throw them into all the scenarios you could possibly think of. With little to no side effect or penalty for their stupid options. You can kill the characters Massacre them bring them back from the dead and then do it all over again. Adding on a new layer of confusion.
You give me another example of a story that has the perceivable plot of building an entire universe out of the excrement of a pixelated egg man. I'll wait, you won't find it. Well maybe I'll rule 34 you'll find it.
Only tell the show eventually evolved into the escapades of Sonic Tails Eggman and Earthworm Jim. A seemingly odd combination but only came about because Sonic's decided to steal earthworms TV.
Anyways I was looking for an excuse to fill up my stupid blog with something. And I haven't seen any movies in a couple of days.
So I might as well throw out something random. Why not watch all the episodes of Sonic For Hire. It amounts up to a ridiculous 3 hours.
It's sad to think that this 3 hours was more enjoyable than so many other overly bloated long films that have the same running time. Probably because it's done in such a quick format with such indifference to its story and characters that you don't really care if you pay attention or not.
Especially given that there is no overarching story and it's just Sonic doing whatever the hell it is that he does.
At one point he ends up in Hollywood and then goes to space. It seems the only character Arc he has is trying to work out some Oddball relationship with his horrible Mother Brain wife and their godforsaken child. Sonequa.
And then having every other episode just be a reference to some godforsaken film. Honestly I think that's why I like it so much. I'm like every other horrible Sonic fiend thing out there this one doesn't focus on some awful video game or something that's supposed to be associated with ''Nerd culture.
Or maybe it's just constant referencing to a Dominique Wilkins poster.
This show had recently Fallen back into my radar when I heard the company Machinima I've been completely removed from YouTube. Much to my dismay the show Sonic the higher was also removed. So this sent me on to a search via the Internet to try and see if anybody had archived the show.
Luckily there were few people who had saved Oddball shows here and there. Somebody out there put seasons 1 through 5 and then Tire one segment on YouTube and nobody removed it.

which might be a possibility as the people who were making it have been designing a season 8 to come out at some point.
Anyway is the entire Point all of this is. I've enjoyed the stupid Sonic For Hire so much that I can't really see the characters about thinking of the dumb escapades from this little internet cartoon. It's honestly more entertaining to me than anything official made by Sonic entertainment in years.
Even if the entire show devolves down to Dick jokes, alcohol abuse and references to the film tombstone.
Originally I was going to try and do a proper film summary of the Sonic For Hire series. But nobody cares. Not me, not you. Not nobody.
And I think it's just poetically right that I should be indifferent to all of this. After all what would Sonic do?
The answer is nothing, wouldn't do anything.
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