Film Summary DXXXVII (The Street Fighter)

Why if it is not our old pal Sonny Chiba. Playing the bad boy protagonist. The guy who takes the fight to everybody it makes it his business to get involved in every horrible situation.
Half of which seemed to be his own darn fault. so if you can't tell the movie supposed to take place around this guy who's kind of the antagonist do a lot of the story.
He pops up as the first real foe of this other guy who's on death row. \
Where he beats the ever-living crap out of him, put them in some weird oxygen lock and then informs the guy that in 10 minutes he'll pass out and nearly died, so he can get out of being executed.

This leads the prisoner being hospitalized. Thus having to be transferred out of the prison to a hospital.
Which gives the perfect opportunity for our protagonist (Takuma Tsurugi or "Tarry") to kidnap the guy and then sell them off to Hong Kong.  Why he solds the dude I'll never know.

The English dub would let us know that he had to keep him somewhere and the send them off to Hong Kong for protection. But it seems pretty well imply that he was never going to give the guy back to the client who had hired him to break him out of prison to begin with.
This guy being the brother of the inmate on death row.
Who subsequently gets himself killed when he fights Tarry after refusing to give him the money.

Oh and Tarry tries to sexually assault this guy's sister or girlfriend?
They never really imply which one it is at that time in the film.
I only found out later on that he was the sister to the guy who was currently being shipped off to Hong Kong.
So I guess they're all just one big happy family. Or they were a big happy family and now they're just dead.

So what does Terry do now?
Well he takes the sister and sells her off into a sex slave ring Ironically in the same place that our brother is being held in Hong Kong.
What a nice guy.
See that's kind of a small problem with this movie. Our protagonist is a real piece of garbage and there's little to no real reason to like him especially at the beginning.
Towards the end of the film he is trying to rescue this billionaire girl who the Yakuza (which for some reason is based out of Hong Kong) are intimidateing this girl to give them all her finances.
There's also a scene of Terry saying goodbye to his partner in crime best friend. This kind of weird bumbling idiot who just goes around helping him out with his crimes for nothing else better to do. He ends up getting killed in a fight somewhere towards the end because there's all these other tough guys that have to constantly get involved in kung fu fights to keep the action up.

But really there's still no real reason why you want this guy to win. I guess because it keeps the film going and it's generally entertaining to watch the guy but personally I could give a damn if he ended up dying at one point. It's not like he deserves life anymore than the other creeps who want to break the law for their own advantages. I guess the only guy he's better than in this whole movie is this one American dude who keeps really trying to assault that one guy sister from really early in the film like in a way that's even worse than what Terry was doing. He gets his just come up and swim Terry literally rips his dick off. Which I have to admit was one hell of a scene.

But let's face reality. You're not watching this movie for a great intimate story you just want to watch this guy get involving Kung Fu fights evolving mobsters, karate masters, semi mystical weirdos, ninja stars and anything else ridiculous you can throw into the party. The only thing they don't have in this movie is straight-up magic and I guarantee one of the sequels probably will.

And here's the kicker. This movie is in the public domain. You can go onto the internet archive site and just downloaded for yourself or watch it right there.
I'll put the movie on right below this whole thing. Don't want to listen to my ramblings. Think I'm full of crap.
Well see the movie for yourself then you can write your damn review
I'll read it. You read this one.
