So I'm sitting around with the idea of watching Alien. But I had a longer day, it took a while to make dinner.
So now I have less time. What am I to do?
Why I can watch another episode of Beyblade I guess.
And unlike so many other episodes I'd seen before, this one could actually stand on its own for being relatively interesting.
It's by no means captivating. It's another tournament elimination, where both of our mean teams have to eliminate the secondary teams, so they can face off against each other's in the finals.
But at the very least we get some interesting content and the actual back story as to why the character Rie left his little village and why the antagonist Clan thinks of him as a traitor.
It's dearing this episode that we get a weird commentary on isolationism and the main reason why Rei left the village begin with.
He fears that his village is going to fall behind with the times because they refuse to accept the outside world and want to keep their old-fashioned ways.
We all know this story. It's common in entertainment but it's pretty darn accurate with just about any the people you can find.
Especially if they group of people are powerful.
You know the old motto. Ones at the top you become complacent. You have no reason to advance yourself because you're already running the whole operation.
And my god China's fallen into that trap several times over it's incredibly long history*.
Not that I'm saying China currently is in that trap. If anything they've been trying to push their way up for some time now. I just hope they don't end up burning themselves out while trying to do it. But to get back to the episode.
Chinese team has to fight against these Mongolian opponents and in all fairness they shouldn't have been able to beat the Mongolians.
You see both the Mongolian team and the Indian team had to get by on their legitimate skills. Where as the Japanese and Chinese teams were able to cheat using their magical Godlike creatures to artificially inflate the power of their toys.
It even shown a little bit of this, as one of the Chinese players loses to the Mongolian side because he wasn't able to channel the power of His bit-Beast (or holy monster. What ever the hell there called) properly.
So this is something that I've been trying to avoid talking about another episodes but all the teams excluding the Chinese and Japanese ones are shown to be incredibly stereotypical.
I didn't want to get into this because I just don't think there's a lot of merit in constantly talking about racial depictions as it's become something of a overblown topic in a lot of media. And I've been guilty of doing that a lot lately with some of my other stuff**.
But sweet God sometimes you just have to acknowledge that certain depictions are just not acceptable.
It looks like something out of them bad Colonial British cartoon. Like yours this slack-jawed idiot who can't run his own life so somebody else has to do it for them. I know the animation the show is done in such a way as nobody looks all that good. There's an uncanny picture of Max in every opening shot of the show that's just creepy.
Luckily they get beaten so quickly that we don't have to really deal with them for long. And I kind of feel sorry for their team because they just get pushed to the wayside with little to no effort. Mongolians at least had a little bit of pride.

Despite the fact that a few episodes earlier they had a stadium that literally resembled the mountain environment they were currently living in.
Which I thought was far more impressive as a stadium goes. It's more unwieldy and you wouldn't be able to use it at all but this current Stadium just doesn't look all that grand.
Also towards the end of it they might have to call in the aid of Superman to use his Great-Wall-o-China 600 fix-a-vision.
*I don't think the people writing the episode ment for the Chinese clan to be a representation of the Country
**For the record I'm not going to stop talking about these issues either.
I'm just going to cut down when I bring it up. If it's truly egregious like I think it is in this particular episode, I'll make mention of i.t But otherwise I'm not going to try and harp on every single misconception that's out there.
If we do that we wouldn't have any entertainment left. Plus we're all going sound like Hypocrites in 30 years when people look at all the stuff we're doing now and decide that it's all even correct for the modern era. You know how it is.
Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on this. After all what am I asking? Somebody should sacrifice their artistic vision just to make some other random guy happy about someone's depiction. It don't matter.
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