Okay let's acknowledge the ridiculous poster. Just look at the darn thing.
You could just write the whole thing off by saying it was a hundred years ago in Germany but I don't want to.
I want to discuss how this poster is misleading and incorrect.
It shows an onslaught of servants, all black.
It's just not accurate to the film.
There are a total of four (possibly five) black people in the whole thing and out of everyone in the film they're the only ones that don't act ridiculously stupid.
With maybe the exception of one guy who keeps trying to get this drunkard to go back to his own bedroom.
That's it.
The more accurate depiction of the poster would be 4 black guys followed by thousands upon thousands of white servants.
Cuz that's what the whole thing is. A ridiculous over-the-top comedic old film about the excessive amount of money and Manpower this one guy has at his disposal. Now it is kind of weird that his personal entourage happens to me for these black guys who seem to do everything for him. So I guess you can get out of him a racial point of view that way.
The film frames the guy in such a way at the beginning that you think he's going to be this massive antagonist.
But he's really not.
In fact the film doesn't have an antagonist or even really a protagonist.
I guess there's Ossi Oswalda the incredibly rich girl who just wants to marry a prince for the name but even than seems to be indifferent to everything going on.
And you don't find yourself rooting for anyone either.
Everyone's just kind of selfish and weird and ultimately it doesn't matter.
You just watching a bunch of ridiculous scenes take place why'll the world's most unromantic marriage takes place.
And we do have a happy ending where our two star-crossed lovers do eventually cross paths but haven't the last 15 minutes of the movie and it's so quickly done that you can't really believe it's on that serious. Probably because it isn't.
In a lot of ways it's really refreshing.

The films not about any of that. It wants you to have fun with really quick and silly comedy.
I would recommend this to anyone. It's unapologetically fun, it's quick, it's surprisingly well acted and it's got some pretty nice set design too.
There's this one really weird seeing towards the beginning of the film where this guy is standing in a large room full of photos. Presumably they're all nobility of various German and other European families. (Most of these European families go back to some German Roots so it's kind of redundant.) And all these different people are looking at the photos wanting to purchase their own Royal connection. And then look at some of the photos and think these people look weird or disfigured (most likely a joke about the inbreeding.) The guy selling the information or trying to sell the people marriage proposals claims (He's a matchmaker) that every Royal has some sort of Oddball augmentation. But then later we see a picture of matchmaker the most swans solid-looking man you'll ever see. How the heck did anybody miss this guy?
Yeah he's up to his eyes in debt but some of the people wanting to marry these Royals have so much money they could repay the guy's debt a thousand times over and not even notice.
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