Film Summary DLXIII (X-Men 2)

I'm exhausted, it's hot outside and I just don't think I have the mental capacity to sit down and watch a new film.
Especially a silent-era movie or a more dramatic movie. So let's stick on X-Men 2. Why did easy enough want to follow I've seen it several times in the past and it'll make for a decent sent up to X-Men one which I had watched about happy year ago.

That did get me a little worried though and I remember liking X-Men one. But being a little underwhelmed by it after revisiting it after so many years.
But luckily X-Men 2 is still as good as I remember.
Heck it's a little better than I remember.
In a world of stagnant comic book movies that all feel the same it's kind of nice to see a movie that pops out and wants to be at the own thing.

And now it's kind of funny because people may get mad about that. Because the movie had the gall to do its own thing and didn't want to associated so for the comic book.
Now I get it, movie studios and other people were kind of embarrassed by comic books. They're silly and colourful and let's face; Viewed as juvenile because most of them were.
But at the end of the day I don't want to movie completely devoting itself to a comic book either. After all if I want to read a comic book I'll go and get the comic. If I'm sitting down to watch a film I want to see the film.

Ironically because of the success of this X-Men film the comic books now become incredibly influenced by the movie. Everything from certain costume designs right down to the overly sleek and silver basement of the X-Men Manor. It's literally the setting for the first X-Men Legends game which is heavily inspired by the X-Men movies directed by Bryan Singer.

I know some people complain that the stories a little to Logan Centric.
That we're focusing on Wolverine yet again and although his part is kind of this interesting compared to the greater story at least. In this movie Logan's involvement is part way essential to the overall plot. The main bad guy also happens to have some weird correlation with Logan being the guy that shoved a bunch of weird metal into a skeleton.
You could easily write the whole thing out and lose nothing overall but it at least gives us an excuse to have Logan to be here as opposed to just being dragged along with the rest of the X-Men out of obligation.
If anything the character I think that gets kind of shafted from the movie is Scott.

All together is in the movie for what? 5 minutes 10 minutes at most and furrowed good chunk of that he's a brainwashed ninny trying to kill his future wife. I guess it all works out for him he'll go on to be Superman in his own movie.

I miss having a good Mystique in the X-Men movies. Here she's essential and just really fun. Sneaking around and using her abilities to the best of her knowledge I'm constantly screwing the people just for the fun of it.

I miss having a good Mystique in the X-Men movies. Here she's essential and just really fun. Sneaking around and using her abilities to the best of our knowledge I'm constantly screwing the people just for the fun of it.

With the exception of 'Days of Future Past' this is the only X-Men movie it feels like it has a sizable threat to it.
Which I'm of two minds of. I usually prefer X-Men stories when they stay localised and simple. Having the X-Men deal with minor problems or powerful but not ridiculous characters like Magneto or a crazy General who wants to segregate a large chunk of the population out of fear.
And sometimes it's just nice to have a big proper enemy especially when it's done right.
Having a bunch of crazy Sentinels hunting you down because of a programming mechanism from 30 to 40 years previously implemented by a guy who didn't understand the threat or in this movies case. Having a guy abused the X-Men's most powerful mutant for his own dastardly scheme to literally wipe out the entire mutant population is far more interesting than just big scary big guy has ultimate power and wants to rule the world because or. Rasians.

Isn't it nice to have a movie that properly explains away the X-Men's Ace in the Hole character. By that I mean Charles Xavier the super psychic who was he wanted to could literally manipulate the situation says he defeat every villain except for Magneto's magic helmet.

The movie could have done without pyro. He's just a little weenie of a guy and he is one moment to shine and he only does it because he's a scared little moron who can't gauge the situation properly. Otherwise it's kind of stupid that he wants the flip side so easily. Cuz he's got a big old chip on the shoulder.
Also there's the Love Story between Rogue and ice boy (or ice man whatever his name is).
That wasn't really focused on either.
I suspect both of these were meant to be more fleshed-out in the third movie but as we know; They never made a third X-Men film!

And they ended it right here on a solid foundation.
