Oh look at that, Red-letter-media is having another one of their bad movie sessions. They should be good for a laugh.
What the hell is this ''WinterBeast'' movie? Look at all that weird CGI. All right we're pausing this and check the movie out for myself.
And oh boy that claymation really is fun. The actual movie is quite dull and uninteresting. But it's peppered with just enough the weird claymation that you can stomach the rest of it.
''There's a curse in dem mountains.'' Some sort of mystical demon beings roaming around in the forest killing random people because -raisins. throughout the entire film we never figure out the reason for the demons.
I guess they're just there. The indigenous people dealt with them. The people who came after them dealt with them and now the local town just pretend like they don't exist except for the crazy Lounge owner who keeps denying their existence and you definitely know he has something to do with the monsters. I mean how the hell can you not.
There's an investigation being held by a bunch of Park Rangers and at no point do they ever decide to consult the actual police.
They're trying to figure out what the heck is happening to all these people and for some reason they never seem to find any proof of them even though their bodies are very clearly still around because the end of the film the Crazy lounge owner has one of the body's just sitting up in his place of business for some reason.
Oh and the crazy guy also just burst into flames at some point I was expecting some weird fight with him or some sort of cataclysm around the mystical beings. But no you just dances around the clown mask looking really weird and then decides to just burst into flames.
Unfortunately the claymation only go so far along with a few of the Practical Gore effects of people being ripped apart.
All that stuff is so fun and surprisingly well made given the cheapest of this film.
But it almost feels like they just had all this stuff already made and decided to just throw it into a film and then fill in the rest of whatever they could think of.
A good chunk of this film just isn't worth watching. Especially the end when they finally confronts the weird winterbeast (who by the way is out before winter time. But I won't hold that against him.)
It's literally the most boring part of the entire movie as everybody just moves around really slowly and we're supposed to believe that this snail speed creature is somehow a dangerous threats to our protagonist people.
I mean Charlie the Pervert gets eaten by a freaking dragon and we never see what happened to that thing or for that matter we never see what happens to any of the other claymation creatures. They might all still be wandering around just doing their own thing.
Is the film worth watching? No.
Maybe there's a compilation out there showing all the fun little claymation creatures and some of the other practical effects but really there's just nothing here this going to keep your interest it's a sadly boring film with very bad, though kind of strange acting.
Oddly enough I kind of wish we would have followed Charlie the Pervert around instead.
At the beginning of the film he was the most loathed character in the whole thing.

Everybody else is just a blank piece of paper with absolutely no personality.
At least Charlie was indignant of everything and constantly mocked people for their ideas or getting up early in the morning.
At least Charlie seemed to have some sort of interest to life.
Oh and of course the guy who plays the Lounge owner is kind of fun. He's just kooky and weird enough that he keeps our attention the whole time even though the suspense building around him is non-existent, you know he's the evil dude from the start. Also my God look at that suit he's wearing.
Baby blue suit, purple tie and a lumberjack plaid shirt. The fashion sense of this man is impeccable.
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