It's been a little while but I'm finally back to watching a bunch of strange young kids with horrible hair play a game of spinning tops and taking it way too seriously.
But oh boy this episode isn't just serious, it's super serious.
As it's the great climax towards the entire Arc of this conflict.
That's right the ninja kids have to fight against the Japanese team kids (they don't have a nickname, they're just the BBA or something weird like that wears a BBS.)
And unfortunately it's not a great episode to come back into the show on. It's just not interesting. Most of it is dedicated to a one-off battle between Tyson and the leader of the Ninja gang. I think his name is Lee or lie, maybe it's Linus.
They have a really predictable battle in where they both win one battle and then have a tie at the end so we can have a final confrontation involving Rie the former member of the kitty cat gang Brigade
and the Ninja Gang leader.
Who's more obsessed about beating this one opponents than defeating the entire team to win the tournament.
It kind of makes me wonder what their plan was in the long run. They're really xenophobe, they don't want to go out of their local Village and they hate their last team member for doing just that. But if they won this tournament they have to fly around the world and do what these guys are doing so would they be breaking their own rule?
Would they even bother going on the adventure. It just seems kind of pointless for these idiots to be on their way.
But it doesn't matter because the battle escalates to such a ridiculous degree that I started to wonder if I was watching an episode of Dragon Ball Z(ed).
It's always been established that these magical creatures within the spinning tops are powerful. But at the end of this tournament the magical green lion (or tiger) jumps out of the blade, destroys most of the stadium and punctures a hole through the building they're standing in.
Come to think of it; Do these people have to pay for the damages that they're spinning toys do to the environment around them? Because they destroy an awful lot. Cooking pans ,stadiums, buildings, rocks.
At one point they'll nearly kill a guy but that's way off in the future.
But alas it doesn't matter. The protagonist win the tournament is over and all the animosity these characters had towards each other is completely gone. And it does feel a bit like a cop-out.
I get it you're not going to have characters holding over long-term grudges especially when they're just introduced and disposed of to create a one-off Ark story for our protagonist to get through.
But you should give them a little time to get over their problems.
I can understand why Rei and Mao don't have any issues with each other anymore. They got a few episodes to get through their problems and understand each other again and I can even kind of understand the Lei in Ray.
He just wumped him in a battle and he's gotten over it.
But that weird little geeky kid from earlier is completely happy to and they should be a little upset with him he's been nothing but a little Weasley dork
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