It's time to watch those silly kids spend those silly silly toys.
That's right it's spinning top a Beyblade time.
And oh boy we get a filler episode.
But not just any filler episode, unlike previous episodes that were filled up with meaningless Beyblade fighting or just two people gawking at each other to burn up as much time as humanly possible, now we have a more story-driven plot involving characters we've never seen and we'll never see again.
So the Asian tournament is over and our main team of protagonist are all returned home to have a bit of R&R (expert for Rei). Before they head off to America to start in the next competition. I'm sure there will be lots of gawking, staring and cheering as two spinning tops Clash into each other and a bunch of really really powerful monster start pouring out of them just cause even more property damage.
But we're not dealing with that today. No instead we have a story focusing around a bunch of children (even younger) playing Beyblade the way it's actually meant to be played.
That is with kids designing little spinning tops with different pieces inserted in them to try and make them tactically better and then watching as the two things slam into each other with absolutely no control over the situation.
So in other words; 'This is the only time we're going to see a real Beyblade battle.'
Involving a little kid whose favourite toy got destroyed.
Still not entirely sure how it got destroyed given that his opponents toy was even worse shape than his but whatever.
Tysons's going to help the small kid out and the whole thing's going to be a learning experience for him.
As he foolishly left his toy back at his house about a second thought and his friends (the little dorky kid with the computer) got incredibly angry and said he wasn't allowed to keep it anymore until he learns responsibility.
I would remind that dorky kid that the toy fell in his own house and that Tyson doesn't have to worry about things that fall within his own property.
But whatever I get the point.
Take better care of your possessions, especially if said possession is the key to you continuously travelling around the world for free.
But that's all in the past. Instead we get to spend a good chunk of this episode focusing on a montage of a bunch of kids helping a smaller kid build up his spinning tops of the he can beat the ever-living crap out of another small kid and Destroy his spinning top.
Before all three of them decide to go back to the shop to build even more Beyblades because that's what you do in this town.
There is absolutely no importance to this story outside of the last 2 minutes where we see Kai sitting with what I presume is his father, mentor or some other guy inside of an incredibly elaborate giant house eating a very boring looking meal and talking about how they have to find more of the magical creatures within the spinning tops and that guy will have to sacrifice his own team and maybe even himself to do it.
How allmenus.
Honestly I make a lot of fun of this episode but it's really not that bad. The story structured okay there's actually appointed what the kids are doing and you get a sense that this really is just a fun game these people like to enjoy instead of an overly melodramatic events where people have to prove their giant egos with overpowered demigods.
Next Episode:
It must be glorious to live in a world where World Peace resigns and all forms of practical War are but extinct.
The Japanese team rides in America and not only they baffled by the size of all the skyscrapers (even though they come from Japan a country that slowed it was skyscrapers).
Also hyper impressed by this ridiculous Research Centre they get to go to in the second half of the episode.
Where not only is there a large group of people with Phds studying in the development of Beyblades but it has backing from NASA and the freaking Pentagon!
Which either means that this world is so ridiculously peaceful and indifferent to war that they can dedicate all their times to a child's toy or it's all a massive cover-up for something else entirely and these kids are just being told to play with a bunch of toys while they're secretly developing nukes that have those demigods locked within them or something.
Or maybe they're just developing the world's greatest Hammer.
Honestly will never know.
Still how would you feel if you study for 10 years to earn any of your doctorates and then you spent the rest of your life working on a glorified dreidel.
I mean we make fun of Professor Oak or the other scientist in the Pokemon world but at least those are functioning living creatures there's an awful lot of biology and electrical science and all types of other mystical stuff you could look into with that field. But a spinning top? Even if it is infused with a device that can literally destroy a small room. That's not very great. I can do the same amount of damage with a pony worth of whiskey and a shotgun.

How the hell are you doing that with your hand!
That said he didn't tell his mother that he was in the Beyblade Championship which you think she would already know about giving her profession.
She really is a cold-hearted.
I mean I get it. You're a professional and you have to act like such, even if it is against the interests of your own son. But God show a little love to your kid, especially given that the only thing even cared about coming to America was to see you .
This episode also for the time being has the prestigious Award of being the most embarrassing episode of Beyblade.
Beyond the massive research facility dedicated to the silly toy. We have the American Beybladers who use rap music and chunk of art to control their spinning tops and it's just ridiculous.
I know I've stated it before but I'm always amazed by how the show is able to make itself more embarrassing as time goes on. I always assumed that they won't be able to top themselves.
But here we are.
Also the animation looks different. Everybody looks more squish down and more circular and childlike. Maybe they always look like that and I just wasn't paying attention but I swear these kids are starting to de-age.
It must be the power of their bit Beast. Everytime they defeat another opponent they take a bit of their soul. Thus perpetually staying young forever!!
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