I stated the last time I watch a Star Wars movie that I wouldn't be bothering with them anymore.
So that raises the question.
''Why did I watch this one?''
Did the immensely large marketing campaign finally get a hock in to me? Did the fan appreciation win me over. Did the horrible Auntie-fans force me into collusion.
Well unfortunately the answer is a lot more boring than any of that. I was looking for; Babe 2 'pig in the city'.
And I just couldn't find it on Netflix. So feeling kind of defeated and disinterested in watching anyting, I just kind of looked into the middle of the screen and picked what it was ever there.
In this case it happened to be the newest Star Wars movie. (That's Star Wars proper not to be confused with those spin-off movies.)
And after watching it I can conclude that it's. Perfectly serviceable.
Just about every review I never seen for this movie seem to either glorify or demonize it.
It was a wonderful piece of cinematography that brought forth a new age of Cinema. Or it was the worst thing that somehow ruined in the entire franchise.
When in reality it's just kind of there. I didn't think it was all that great but I found it more enjoyable than the last Star Wars movie and there's nothing about it that offended me on any level.
Except they brought Yoda back; but I've hated that stupid little green muppet since I first saw him back in Empire.
So I'm not going to hold this movie accountable for his stupid actions.
He does blow up a bunch of weird Jedi books that have never been referenced before, so that was kind of fun.
The Star Wars movie is brought itself back to the perfect status quo.
The Empire has returned with a different name. The Rebellion has returned using the same name but confusing me given that they are supposed to be the established government in the world now.
I guess their entire organisation was incredibly flimsy.
I mean they were still relying on Princess Leia to get them around for god sakes.
It's a house of cards I tell you. I don't think they needed the Empire to return. A group of angry Jawas with stun guns and a couple of rocks could have torn this Galactic government down.
The movie is divided into three major segments. First is the Great Galactic Chase in where a bunch of Imperial warships are trying to destroy this one Rebellion Cruiser
The movie is divided into three major segments. First is the Great Galactic Chase in where a bunch of Imperial warships are trying to destroy this one Rebellion Cruiser with the world's greatest reflector Shields.
A technology that I wasn't all that aware existed in Star Wars.
O they bring it up in the Phantom Menace movie and supposedly the original death star was supposed to be protected by a giant Shield too along with the same that starred in the third movie. But we never see any proof of this it's just an implied Shield.
But not here, this Cruiser gets shot at a million times and is able to reflect just about every attack.
The second place is a boring Island where are protagonist Jedi has to convince Luke Skywalker to help the Rebellion out.
And the whole thing is just a long drawn-out sequence of bickering whiny people complaining about magic and the role of a bunch of wizards in the universe.
Honestly I couldn't stand most of this part.
It just felt so lacking, we spend so much time here and unfortunately it's where a lot of our character development happens. Especially with our main New Jedi (girl whose name I can't remember). She keeps having these weird intimate connections with the main bad guy who supposed to be a Darth Vader.
Eventually the two of them are going to kill this galactic Emperor guy who was supposed to be set up as a big baddy but then turned out to be a nothing character cuz the studio had no idea what to do with half their story arcs.
Finally there's the third part which takes part primarily in a casino. This is the only part of a film I actually liked.
It involves Finn and the new character 'Rose Tico' trying to infiltrate this Casino so they can find this Smuggler / code cracker guy in the hopes of bringing him back with them to their Rebel Starbase so they could Infiltrate The Imperial ships and somehow bring down their attacks vehicles from the inside.
It's the only part of the story that felt like it haven't had any urgency and it was the only time we got to see any interesting new scenery.
Otherwise you're stuck in the vacuum of space looking at the same two ships or you're stuck in that stupid island wasting your time with a man who should have stuck to voice acting.
So despite the fact that I don't think this film was all that great and it started to get really boring towards the last 20 minutes I'd still recommended about the last Star Wars movie. Even though it feels kind of empty and pointless where as the last film felt like it was a revitalization of an old franchise.
Part of me wishes we could just drop all the dead weight of the old universe and just take these new characters and move on in a new direction.
I don't think that's going to happen and I'm suspecting the next movie won't be anything too special. But I'm not sitting here saying that I won't watch it either.
Unfortunately this is the worst type of movie to talk about because it's just perfectly average. Is a 5 out of 10 nothings wrong with it, nothing sweet about it experience.
You've probably already seen it and you have an opinion one way or the other.
Me I think I'm just tired of overemphasising these films. It's time we just start looking at Star Wars for what it was supposed to be. A silly little franchise about Space Adventures. Maybe they can go back to that Simplicity one day.

Can we get more Rose Tico and less Luke please.
I know he's technically dead but it's Star Wars and anyone with even the most basic understanding of the Fouse seems to be able to come back.
Just like that annoying little Muppet. Please for the love of God don't bring back Yoda.
What am I saying. Of course they'll bring him back. they always bring him back just to taunt me!!
So that raises the question.
''Why did I watch this one?''
Did the immensely large marketing campaign finally get a hock in to me? Did the fan appreciation win me over. Did the horrible Auntie-fans force me into collusion.
Well unfortunately the answer is a lot more boring than any of that. I was looking for; Babe 2 'pig in the city'.
And I just couldn't find it on Netflix. So feeling kind of defeated and disinterested in watching anyting, I just kind of looked into the middle of the screen and picked what it was ever there.
In this case it happened to be the newest Star Wars movie. (That's Star Wars proper not to be confused with those spin-off movies.)
And after watching it I can conclude that it's. Perfectly serviceable.
Just about every review I never seen for this movie seem to either glorify or demonize it.
It was a wonderful piece of cinematography that brought forth a new age of Cinema. Or it was the worst thing that somehow ruined in the entire franchise.
When in reality it's just kind of there. I didn't think it was all that great but I found it more enjoyable than the last Star Wars movie and there's nothing about it that offended me on any level.
Except they brought Yoda back; but I've hated that stupid little green muppet since I first saw him back in Empire.
So I'm not going to hold this movie accountable for his stupid actions.
He does blow up a bunch of weird Jedi books that have never been referenced before, so that was kind of fun.
The Star Wars movie is brought itself back to the perfect status quo.
The Empire has returned with a different name. The Rebellion has returned using the same name but confusing me given that they are supposed to be the established government in the world now.
I guess their entire organisation was incredibly flimsy.
I mean they were still relying on Princess Leia to get them around for god sakes.
It's a house of cards I tell you. I don't think they needed the Empire to return. A group of angry Jawas with stun guns and a couple of rocks could have torn this Galactic government down.
The movie is divided into three major segments. First is the Great Galactic Chase in where a bunch of Imperial warships are trying to destroy this one Rebellion Cruiser
The movie is divided into three major segments. First is the Great Galactic Chase in where a bunch of Imperial warships are trying to destroy this one Rebellion Cruiser with the world's greatest reflector Shields.
A technology that I wasn't all that aware existed in Star Wars.
O they bring it up in the Phantom Menace movie and supposedly the original death star was supposed to be protected by a giant Shield too along with the same that starred in the third movie. But we never see any proof of this it's just an implied Shield.
But not here, this Cruiser gets shot at a million times and is able to reflect just about every attack.
The second place is a boring Island where are protagonist Jedi has to convince Luke Skywalker to help the Rebellion out.
And the whole thing is just a long drawn-out sequence of bickering whiny people complaining about magic and the role of a bunch of wizards in the universe.
Honestly I couldn't stand most of this part.
It just felt so lacking, we spend so much time here and unfortunately it's where a lot of our character development happens. Especially with our main New Jedi (girl whose name I can't remember). She keeps having these weird intimate connections with the main bad guy who supposed to be a Darth Vader.
Eventually the two of them are going to kill this galactic Emperor guy who was supposed to be set up as a big baddy but then turned out to be a nothing character cuz the studio had no idea what to do with half their story arcs.
Finally there's the third part which takes part primarily in a casino. This is the only part of a film I actually liked.
It involves Finn and the new character 'Rose Tico' trying to infiltrate this Casino so they can find this Smuggler / code cracker guy in the hopes of bringing him back with them to their Rebel Starbase so they could Infiltrate The Imperial ships and somehow bring down their attacks vehicles from the inside.
It's the only part of the story that felt like it haven't had any urgency and it was the only time we got to see any interesting new scenery.
Otherwise you're stuck in the vacuum of space looking at the same two ships or you're stuck in that stupid island wasting your time with a man who should have stuck to voice acting.
So despite the fact that I don't think this film was all that great and it started to get really boring towards the last 20 minutes I'd still recommended about the last Star Wars movie. Even though it feels kind of empty and pointless where as the last film felt like it was a revitalization of an old franchise.
Part of me wishes we could just drop all the dead weight of the old universe and just take these new characters and move on in a new direction.
I don't think that's going to happen and I'm suspecting the next movie won't be anything too special. But I'm not sitting here saying that I won't watch it either.
Unfortunately this is the worst type of movie to talk about because it's just perfectly average. Is a 5 out of 10 nothings wrong with it, nothing sweet about it experience.
You've probably already seen it and you have an opinion one way or the other.
Me I think I'm just tired of overemphasising these films. It's time we just start looking at Star Wars for what it was supposed to be. A silly little franchise about Space Adventures. Maybe they can go back to that Simplicity one day.

Can we get more Rose Tico and less Luke please.
I know he's technically dead but it's Star Wars and anyone with even the most basic understanding of the Fouse seems to be able to come back.
Just like that annoying little Muppet. Please for the love of God don't bring back Yoda.
What am I saying. Of course they'll bring him back. they always bring him back just to taunt me!!
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