I love the way the Japanese depict America in the show.
Boastful, arrogant, full of themselves and fiscally irresponsible with their spending habits.
The ridiculous over-the-top research facility they have for their spinning tops and just how ludicrous the whole thing is.
Even by the standards of the show. Everyone is taken aback by just how much money and resource the American team is pouring in*.
And what do they get from this inordinate amount of spending?
A bunch of children dressed up in sports uniforms launching their Beyblades with incredibly bizarre launchers.
It's kind of hilarious.
At first it's kind of embarrassing, You look at this and say; ''Why in God's name is this in an episode? Or what the hell are they doing here! this is just too much.''
But then they just push it farther and farther.
You got this giant American flag behind everything along with this nasty secret intense that this entire facility seems to have over itself. As if they're hiding some dastardly secret that they're about to release on to the world and it makes them look more villainous than anyone before. America the brave, America the scary
It becomes a spoof. Which is made all the more interesting when you consider that the other side of this team seems to be this overarching secretive cabal of dangerous people planning some sort of nasty conspiracy against their opponents.
The whole thing reeks of espionage and that sense that no matter what the American says, they're planning on doing about 20 other things behind your back.
Isn't it nice with other cultures can show just what the world thinks of you.
But let's not looking at the American interpretation of culture and focus on the story.
The Japanese team is in a fairly happy mood. They've just gone through a tour of the American Research Centre and they've even seen a few of their soon-to-be opponents to the upcoming tournament.
But not everything is well.
Max is in a desperately depressed state. His mother won't give him the time of day, he just lost a battle within a mere couple of seconds to one of the more basic members of the American team and the whole situation is confusing the ever-living hell out of him.
The other members of the team take notice of this and try to cheer him up.
For some reason why'll I trying to cheer Max him up they decide that they want to investigate and more of the facility.
As they were never shown the more high-level areas.
They're thinking of finding some information on Max's mother. Who's acting so cold towards him.
It's this part of the story where I have to scratch my head and wonder ''What were you guys hoping to accomplish here.''
You're going to break into a facility, try and find information that you're not even sure is there. Just for the sake of cheering up one of your friends which may lead to you getting expelled from the entire tournament.
The only character who doesn't go along with this is Kai as he determines its kind of stupid. That is until later on when you see him secretly running around on his own.
But at least with him I can kind of make some sense of it.
Kai has his own alternative goal from the start and he's trying to figure out information for an entirely different group.

You're already breaking and entering you idiot! She hasn't given you the time of day before what makes you think it'd be different now.
Sure enough it goes just as badly as you think it would.
The team gets locked away in this tiny little segregated section of the hull. Max's mother completely ignores him again and the team has to put up with these two bumbling idiots who I swear were just a rip-off of Team Rocket.
Turns out there are actually two of the American team players and one of them beats the ever-living crap out of Rei in a mock battle that they decide to have.
Not that they should bother with any of this. They could just get this team expelled and move on with their day.
I think we're supposed to be upset with the Americans for being so arrogant but the Japanese team was flat-out sneaking around and breaking the rules.
Anyways the American team wins, they let them leave the facility and they don't even tell anyone about the breaking and entering. That's how confident they are in their skill. And unfortunately why all this is happening we have to deal with Tyson's grandfather dancing around like an idiot.
I really wish you wasn't in the show anymore.
*So the Asian tournament had an awful lot of countries in it. From the massively populated an influential China and Japan, all the way down to the smallest nations like Maldives.
How many teams were in the America tournament.
Did it involve America as in the entire continent from Chile up to Canada? Or does it only include North America.
In which case does it include every country in North America or does it just cut it down to the basic three. That being Mexico, Canada and the United States.
If the latter is true than the Americans have a huge advantage. Any Canadian worth their salt going to move to USA to make there career anyways, so they're certainly not going to stick around their own country.
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