I find myself very disappointed. I had a lot of enthusiasm when I started reading this comic.
It started out so well with an a great investigative story, a wonderful wedding story and a fun idea of Donna Troy having fake memory endowed to her by literal Titans of old.
Then it just goes off into a weird Space story involving a tyrant Overlord trying to destroy the universe.
The story would sounds Fantastical but it's been done a million billion times in comics. Without the aid of the silly Silver age; It just comes off as kind of mundane and disinterested.
But really the worst part about all of it is that Donna Troy plays a really minor part. It's supposed to be her story. Her people, her Legacy that are being changed. But I found myself more interested in Starfire, cyborg, Dick Grayson or Changeling.
All of them seem to have been doing more.
It also doesn't help that the story takes place in space and involves a weird aliens and strange science fiction environment.
You're dealing with Donna Troy. She should be fighting Greek Titans back on Earth, finding golden apples or a magic lasso.
Praying to Zues, Diana or Phoebus. Dealing with monsters like hydras and centaurs. All the things that are so accustomed to Greek mythology and that make for the Wonder Woman universe to be so wonderful.
Just fighting aliens seems kind of disconnected.
Instead we get a story or Donna Troy constantly sits back and becomes depressed. Wondering why she's not the one that's going out into the fight.
With everybody else going out and insisting that they fight at her place or that she has to stay back for some weird reason.
When in reality Donna Troy should just put them inside and go; ''Well I don't care what you think. I'm going to go out and fight anyways.''
I mean we get to the end of the story where the Tyrant alien with all the demigod powers seems to have taken full control of everything and is coming to destroy the Titans (both the team and the Gods) And is only stopped because of a convenient plot involving two of the remaining demigod characters linking hands together and somehow resorting all of their power back to the original Titans. Who are now ageing rapidly and the pairing to die.
The real important character in the story is Raven. She's the one that's able to enclose this Tyrant Overlord within her soul self and is therefore given the opportunity for Donna Troy in this other alien to link hands with her thus fulfilling an ancient prophecy and saving the universe. She's the one that dwarfs the tyrants Powers by nerfing them while stuck in the soul self. and it just seems like she's the one that's pushing the story along half the time.
There's also the character of Jericho whose mind is controlling one of the other aliens making sure that he doesn't break away and try to kill them all. It turns out a bunch of these characters are actually a little power deranged or are just slightly suspicious of these strange Invaders from Earth who they've never seen before. The point I'm trying to make that Donna Troy is kind of secondary.
The truth is I don't remember all the aspects of the story now. I finished reading it about half a week ago and already most of it's out of my head. So now I'm trying to recall what it is I am reading without checking on the source material (because why would I do that and make it more convenient.) the story itself is well-written the animation is fantastic and it's not like it's a miserable slog to get through I just wish it wasn't a Donna Troy story. I think it would have been better off of this just the team Titans trying to overthrow an alien dictator. Or if it just focused on one of the other characters. it just seems like such a letdown after the first two stories in the book.
really what are we get out of it? A retcon story. This wasn't made because somebody had a grandiose idea for Donna Troy all of a sudden finding a kindred ancestry with the Titans. It's just a story that was created after 'Crisis on infinite Earths' a retailing so that we could get her divided away from Wonder Woman.
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