It's been 10 years since Arkham Asylum came out. Does the game still hold up? Of course it freaking does.
What a stupid question asked.
Not because of the quality of the game but because of the silly 'passage of time' gimmick that seems to be used by so many crappy clickbait articles.
As if a mere ten years means anything.
Now it used to mean something.
The difference between games coming out in 2009 versus 1999 is quite vast. It really shows the progression of video games as they've gone through the years.
But between 2009 to 2019 it's not that noticeable. A lot of the mechanics haven't changed, Graphics practically look the same. Even the storylines and genres haven't changed all that much.
So the Joker has taken over Arkham Asylum (the world's worst mental institution.) And plans to create an army of giant Mutant Monster men in order to conquer the city.
Honestly it's kind of a week story; But makes for a fairly good gameplay.
I know a lot of people complained about the big monster men being kind of repetitive but and there only being really one true boss fight (Poison ivy) outside of said monster men. But I honestly wasn't that bothered by it.
They don't show up as often as you think. Their involvement in the game is fun enough for what they are.
I always looked at them as more interesting henchman to fight while you're dealing with an army of Blackgate Prisoners.
I found them a hell of a lot more easy to fight them those jerks with the knives. Those annoying idiots constantly get in your way.
Or God forbid a prisoner grabs a gun.
Batman can take a whole whack of punches but he can only take one or two shots in a fight.
Really the true fun of the game is just going from one location to the next being railroaded around this giant Asylum which in a way is technically open and free but it's designed in such a way that you're pretty much stuck to the main path. Until the very end of the game when you can roam around the whole place looking for the Revenant of Riddler trophies.
It makes for a really fun atmosphere game with the luxury of being able to explore the place afterwards if there's anything you wanted to specifically check out.
And honestly it's a lot of fun just roaming around and looking at everything.
Rather it's finding Secret types of all the inmates conversations or just hearing the Riddler go on and on about how you're an idiot because you're walking around looking for a stupid trophies. And in a way he's kind of right.
I honestly don't have any real problems with the game. It introduces new interesting enemies just enough to keep you on your toes without overwhelming you with weird gimmicks.
Returning it for a second time I was absolutely astounded by how easy the game was.
The first time I played it I had an absolutely miserable time with half of the bosses.
Harley Quinn in particular was this incredibly difficult fight to complete.
Of course my stupid ass didn't know that you could jump on the different platforms and avoid the electric platforms that get activated from time to time.
In fact that's half the reason this game was so easy the second time around because I finally took heat of half the things that we're going on around me.
I don't know what I did the first time playing it but my God I missed out on everything.
Compared to some of the later Batman Arkham games the combat this one is just a little sluggish.
Sometimes Batman doesn't react to a command to give them or he has this weird hurting to his walk style that feels like a moving a car.
But that was only a minor problem and it was only a real issue for me when I was fighting poison ivy. The character that you have to constantly jump around so you don't get hit by these poison spores. And with the camera angle being in such a weird place makes it a little difficult to judge where you're going.
But otherwise I really liked how direct and simple the combat was. Later Arkham games get a little
ridiculous as Batman starts flying around like he has a literal superpowers.
It's really fun to play but it just doesn't feel like that man.
Although you do encounter that problem in this game at the very last conflict. When you fight the giant monster man Joker and you fly around hitting his goons from one end of the Arena to the next.
All and all this game is still fantastic. I love the dark semi realistic environment.
That incorporates all the most ridiculous characters throughout Batman's criminal Arsenal.
I'm sure they could put in that egg seemed villain played by Vincent Price if they gave it enough time. And it's just really fun to have a world that rides the line between dark and broody but also fun comic book antics.
Essentially given it's just the old Batman animated show with a bit more punch to it. And I think that's helped it to endue thou-out the years.
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