Computer Game Summary XXXIX (Yo! Noid 2: Enter the Void)

Yo noid 2. A fan game that proved to be more entertaining than its predecessor.  You play as the Noid the most irrelevant semi popular advertising mascot of the age.
I put him on comparison with Elf but unlike elf it doesn't make me want to pull my hair out.
Well he does when it comes to a certain platforming section that he refuses to grip onto.
But that's less the Noid fault and more the strange inept programming that sometimes proves to be a little fidgety. But I can't really bad mouth the game for it.

As there's no monetary value in the game. It's just out there for free. You can download it right now and play it.
And the first three levels are really quite entertaining. It's just these strange surreal environments filled with random pizzas and toppings for pizzas that occasionally talk to you. Each one's confused about their lot in life and some of them are aware that they're inside of a computer simulation that doesn't quite work.

It has this weird secretive plot about it. Where you feel like there's something more Sinister going on But ultimately you don't care because you were Silly mascot running around looking for pizzas.
And indeed it all those match up to something. It's just a shame that what it all amounts to is kind of lame.

So I'd say that 90% of this game is fantastic. With 5% that hair pulling hard and a little annoying and another 5% which is just infuriating and not because of difficulty, but because of a bad boss battle that doesn't really make sense with the rest of the game.
The entire game is platforming. You swing, jump and move from one place to the next. With what has to be some of the most fluent and enjoyable controls I've ever played in any game.
It's really fun and it's difficult at times but it's all skill based.

If you know what you're doing you can get just about anywhere and overcome practically any obstacle.
I mentioned 5% of this game are pulling really hard.
And it specifically this dungeon towards the end where there's a time limit if you have to get from one side of the level to the next. Going around these platforms what's just proved to be too hard for me.
But you can cheese the game a little bit and manipulate other platforms to skip the event altogether.
You could argue that it's skipping over an aspect of the game but the actions are so difficult and so precise to accomplish that you still feel a sense of accomplishment playing the game buy a different method.
I don't want an ounce to an incredibly entertaining game.

Then there's the final bit of the game. You encounter this weird humanoid character who's controlling the world and wants to replace you with a different mascot. And he's just lame all over. He doesn't match the aesthetic of the rest of the game. He's not as Charming as any of the pizza toppings and the ''Battle'' you have to do with him is just tedious and really boring. You can't die in the battle you just kind of keep going until one of you finally submits.

It's unfortunately a sour moment on what is otherwise a very enjoyable game. I'd say beat the main levels in the game get through the dungeon and then just leave it at that.

Also I found an Easter egg. I knew about the Easter egg existing because of a character list but I had no idea where it was.
So it was a legitimate surprised to find it.
