I had a whole thing written up for this movie about how much I disliked it.
About how it felt Sleazy and exploitive.
A bunch of people just filming violence for the sake of violence.
It seems despite the movie being exploited of a nature it is still showing a very real and very depressing side of humanity. With revolutions, anti-imperialism, Pro imperialism, ideological movements and the whole breadth of confused and angry people just trying to make sense of a now completely chaotic world.
I still hold a concern that in his later years this film has been turned into a new piece of propaganda.
Being used by extremist groups of Oddball conservatives looking to maintain the status quo or even we create a power Dynamic based on racial diversity.
And how they could also use it as a weapon to stop progressive movements by altering the meaning of the frame device within the film. Just some real Despicable things being done by horribly despicable people.
But despite all that I just can't hold as much hatred to the film as I initially did.
Some of its methods and techniques for telling a story make everything out to be incredibly racist predominantly against the African people.
Portraying them as ''ignorant'' and naive.
But it also brings to light a lot of the problems are going to affect the world in the next 50 years.
For instance the ethnic genocides brought on by Hutu and Tutsi people's Living Earth in Rwanda and the surrounding area.
You get glimpses of the beginning of this horrible tragedy within this very film.
A kind of writing on the wall that most of us just ignored. And it's almost sickening to think of the consequences now.
That's the same nothing of the other elements of this film which is just problems of poaching. All of these horrible black and white men now taking advantage of unregulated government's to go out and just slaughter without purpose every animal they can find.
Not that it was exactly perfect in the colonial times.
They did a lot of the same things too. It's kind of like looking at the pirate problem in the Caribbean back in the 17th an 18th-century.
There a scourged on everybody but they were created by the very forces they ended up attacking later. That's kind of a poaching is in a lot of ways to.
I can already tell what my biggest problem with the movie is. It's trying to cover too much. It wants to cover every major issue that's happening within the southern African continent. Murder and violence apartheid genocide poaching Slaughter illegal activities. You name it the movie wants to cover it. And it's just too much. This is the reason I think it comes off feeling sleazy. You don't commit to one aspect of the film. You can turn this thing into a series of movies digging down deep into every aspect of society that went wrong and explaining how the past has led to this horrible point now. Maybe open people's eyes up to the Grim realities of colonial expansion and the slave trade and human perception of psychology and anthropology.
There's this little part of the movie towards the beginning that shows a kind of Racism* being used on groups of African people. In order to distinguish them and create a hatred towards the former white Colonials. This little part of the film could have easily been an entire movie all of its own. Explaining all this screwed-up pseudoscience and gibberish created to keep people down and oppressed.
My opinions of the film overall have lightened. I don't think it's quite as exploited as I initially did. But it still comes off as kind of sleazy. Something tells me the time is just not going to be polite to this film. Even if the director's intentions (which he claims were Anti-Imperialist) where true.
I see it turning out like Birth of a Nation.
Something that was claimed to be loved when it initially came out but with the extent of time has become more demonised and vilified with an ever enlightening crowd of people. It should also be pointed out that both of these movies were highly protested when they were first released to theatres.
And I'm sure there's more I could get into. But this is my second time trying to talk about this movie and it's just exhausting to watch. It's depressing and deplorable and it's giving me a headache.
*The racism in this case being all the talking points that white Colonials used to describe African people. Lesser brain mass, lacking understanding of basic etiquette, not believing in the right God (because apparently that's linked evaluation. Yeah figure that.) And just the idea that certain people are more desirable than others. In this regard it was just flipped so that the African person now possess the bigger brain and the white man tried everything in his power to become better like the black.
Including suntanning which is kind of hilarious. The people who made that propaganda I guess never came to the conclusion that black people can also sun tan?
I guess it seems pretty typical that are racist wouldn't know enough about their own people let alone the people are also trying to mock.
Ignorance does breed ignorance after all.
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