Film Summary DCXV (Theatre of Blood)

I suppose I should be careful what I say here. Less I become the next victim of the overly dramatic Shakespearean Vincent Price. Oh for you see, many who give his performance a negativity shall pay a price done in a mocking tone similar to the review of which that critic had insulted.
It is only his luck that every critic should bad-mouth a different play. Les he need repeat himself again and again. Especially with 'Titus Andronicus'.
I get how you can make one guy eat his ''children'' given that they're just dogs. But how do you do it again with any of these other folks?
The best of my knowledge they don't have any children.

So if you couldn't tell from the opening, Theatre of Blood is the story of Lionheart (Vincent Price) the great Shakespearean actor who's considered overzealous, overdramatic, overacting and over sensitive to his roles.
A group of critics decided that he was not the right man to receive a prestigious award for his stage performances back in 1970.

In the Heat of passion he decided to throw himself off a building in a fit of suicide after recounting yet another Shakespearean play. After being belittled by the critics.

To where he was discovered by a bunch of homeless borderline mentally unstable folks,. Who are able to nurse him back to health, feed him a consistent diet of strange pink alcohol (of which I do not know the brand. I wish I knew the brand for it looks quite good.)

It's from this moment on that Vincent Price's character vows Revenge and goes on a great Killing Spree uniquely eliminating every single critic until he gets down to the final man played by Ian Hendry.
For a moment you almost think that Hendry character is going to be the protagonist. But he's really not.
He's just kind of there as the mean slasher victim who's able to stay alive amongst the chaos and ultimately becomes the final piece in a puzzle of demented murder.

Overall this is a very entertaining and fun film. It plays itself over the top on purpose it has wonderfully dramatic death scenes.
It does this to such an extent that it almost becomes a comedy. But ultimately stays within the dramatic horror setting.

The only thing I claim to be a little too silly is the secondary character that accompanies Vincent Price.
It's this afro, beard wearing guy who looks incredibly effeminate.
And it's very obviously just his daughter within the film. They make it out of this great reveal towards the end. This person is definitely not what they seem.
But it certainly doesn't hurt the film at all. It's way too strange and fun and kooky.

The film scratches two itches at once. Fun slasher movie Antics mixed with overly dramatic Shakespearean performances.
And you know what.
I'd like to see more of that.
Let's take two weird genres and just start mix them together. Create whole new films.
