Film Summary DCIV (Kiki)

Oh I made a horrible mistake not talking about this movie last night. Turns out if I'm not interested in a film and then I leave it for certain amount of time, most of that movie will then go out of my head.

Kiki is the story of a destitute woman living an incredibly poor life on the street, who's in love with some guy who runs a theatre production company.
We have no idea why she likes this guy Beyond just superficial looks. It indicated that the two of them never had any connection to each other.
But despite this she tries to get into his business, lies about who she is, while screwing over someone else. Gets a job that she's not qualified for. Fails at the job, almost gets this other guy broken up with his current girlfriend. Goes out to a dinner with him, gets drunk on the town at a fancy restaurant and embarrasses him.
Before heading back to his home where he wrongly tries to hook up with her as she screams at him, kicks him out of his own bedroom and then stays at his house for weeks on end because she kind of loves him but in a really undeserved way.

It's all handled really weirdly. The comedic film that leans slightly into slapstick as in how the logic of the world works.
Everybody pushes their luck and just kind of goes along with a catastrophe. But they don't really have any fun with that.
You think they'd have more shots and set ups at the actual theatre itself. Given the that's where so much of the original drama happens but it only has one scene towards the beginning of the film and then 50% of the film is just spent at this guy's house.
Where we're supposed to put up with this annoying 'will they won't they, love story of miscommunication, awkward situations and conveniently out of context scenarios that supposed to wrap up in the end.

But you can't have a story like that if it involves characters you don't like. In a scenario that's nonsensical, with's a plot that doesn't utilise its environment.
It's just kind of annoying.
I don't want this weird woman to hook up with this guy. For one thing there romance is superficial and undeserved and secondly she's borderline crazy.
At first she just comes off as a bit headstrong and maybe manipulative in her environment but you can kind of forgive her for that given her horrible circumstances. But when you start brandishing a knife on somebody threatening to kill them because you want the boy opposed to her. I'm sorry but I don't have any sympathy for you at that point.

So yeah I didn't like the movie. I don't think it's necessarily a bad film. But I do think my mind was in the wrong place while trying to watch it. Perhaps in a year's time if I give another chance it'll prove to be better.
