Here we are again. Back in the digital world to follow a bunch of strange children and their equally strange creatures as they wander about a large island.
Speaking of that island, in one of the later episodes they discovered that they're actually on an island. I would have thought the name would have given that away but what do I know.
For several episodes the formula of Digimon doesn't really change. Kids Wander from one strange place to the next with one or two of them having their Digimon evolved because of a bad encounter with some sort of hyper powered ''evil'' Digimon.
Or at least only one of them was evil.
The rest just turned out to be decent Digimon that had some sort of gear stuck in there back which for some reason can turn them evil.
Also the concept of Good and Evil is a very real thing in this world.
I guess they're working off of 'The Fallout' logic except here that actually mean something as opposed to the 'Fallout Universe' where good and evil implies which idiot will follow you and which one won't.
There really isn't anything all that interesting about the first couple of episodes. It's more or less the same formula.
Kids in danger, Digimon evolved, becomes big Digimon, fights off danger (with the same stupid song plays every freaking time) and then they move on with their day.
That is until we get to episode 8.
This is the point where the story starts to progress. You could honestly watch the first episode; glance through the second and then just skip right on over to the 8th. You wouldn't miss anything.
With the minor exception of the evolved the Digimon Togemon (who is a giant Cactus with boxing gloves) beating the ever-living crap out of a massive stuffed teddy bear.
Digimon has weird visual sometimes.
Which makes for all the fun.
Anyways it's here that we finally start to get some real character development. We had a few minor events with one-off characters learning to trust in their little Digimon creatures or even just learning to get along better with the other kids that they're adventuring with.
But now we finally get to Digimon that are unique characters on their own. The two heads here being Leomon and Devimon. Leomon is the supposedly good champion of the world who wants to protect the children from evil and Devimon was a literal incarnation of evil who easily manipulates the hero at every given opportunity.
Seriously this guy supposed to be the lone Hero but he's so easily turned bad that you start to question if he was ever competent to begin with.
The evil Digimon really starts to screw everything up. He not only tricks the kids into letting their guard down by producing this strange-looking mansion.
But he then physically pushes the lot of them into different chunks of the island before separating it. So that they all head out in different directions with the intent to never be seen by each other ever again.
It's finally at the point we start to get little hints of just what it is it's going on here.
There's an evil force roaming around trying to corrupt everything and for some weird reason these kids are integral to stopping him. Mainly with the use of their little Tamagotchi devices which can alter a manipulate their Digimon into evolving.
Although that said they still require actual food to fight. Otherwise it doesn't matter how much trust you put into these little guys. Tired Digimon are useless Digimon.
So you can suck on your ''heart of the cards'' or your love of Pokemon because your Faith doesn't mean a goddamn thing if you haven't put any effort into your pet.
However we do hit a new problem.
Now with all the kids being separated we have a new series episodes that are just our kids re-establishing the same plots over and over again until they hit the next major story arc.
That said it's a much more interesting group of filler plots.
Is now it involves two kids individually kind of at odds of each other trying to go work with one another but ultimately failing until something extreme pushes them together and makes them realise that they have to get over each other's problems or they'll probably die.
Rather that be Taichi and Yamato trying to get along because of their hot-headed nature and Yamato Grim determination to find his brother at the expense of practically anything else.
Or even Izzy and Mimi trying to get along because Izzy's discovered some sort of code manipulation they can alter the universe if only he understood it better. He's A WIZARD!!
But his own obsession is made him blind to the people around him.
Really it's about just putting the group's interests above your own personal interests.
Pretty basic stuff.
Oh and interplace throw out all of this are weird scenes of Digimon who either use there own waste as a weapon or in one case is a digimon who's comprised of waste.
I am referring to ''Sukamon'' a character literally comprised of Poo whose name is very very inappropriate within the former Soviet speaking world.
It's kind of the weird thing about Digimon. For all the talk fans like to give it about being more mature than Pokemon or having a more sincere story it still spends an awful amount of time around fecal matter.
Rather that be creatures using it as a weapon, creatures made of it or even just Agumon having to use a restroom because he ate too much food.
Which becomes all the more confusing when you start to remember that he didn't actually eat any food.
Was the food there in his guts and then the evil Digimon just removed it with his evil powers? Who's to know. Personally I don't want to know.
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