The great File Island has separated. And along with that so have the children.
Each one shoved to a different chunk of landmass, now floating away into the abyss of the ocean.
Sounds quite horrible when you think about it; Especially when you remember that not every kid got the luxury of an island. Joe and Gomamon ended up floating on a bed out to sea with all their food being eaten (By Gomanmon the little pig.)
Joe is having a mini mental breakdown after being stranded on a bed in the middle of the ocean within an alien world.
His food is gone, his patience is gone, he separated from everyone he knows and he's about to be attacked by a big Green Goblin Digimon that popped up in a random box.
Gomanmon evolves and is able to fight off the Goblin before the two of them end up plunged into the ocean after the physical exhaustion of the fight.
Thankfully for them Sara (who's already on an island) is trying to catch a fish and is able to catch a Joe instead. I say she should have thrown him back into the ocean. Probably would have saved her a lot of Stress.
So now Joe Sora and there to Digimon are stuck on an island and one of them decides to artificially make Joe the leader so he can get over some of his anxiety.
I'm not sure how that exactly works but it seems to be doing the trick.
They walk around the island and find this strange little Charch in where they finally think they found other people.
But it turns out the people are just these strange ghosts who literally want to eat the children.
In their world they're considered 'viruses.
So it makes me wonder if they're some sort of anomaly that's not even supposed to exist.
But that's something to worry about later for the moment; We have to deal with awkward hijinx as Gomamon and Biyomon try to convince this really stupid ghost Digimon to bring them food via manipulation.
They're able to knock out the guard Digimon (who was supposed to be overseeing them while they were inside a jail cell). And steal the food that he was holding.
This gives them the energy they need to eventually evolved thus breaking out of their cell, fight a giant ghost Digimon and freeing their human comrades from being the sacrificial lambs.
and I guess defeating the giant ghost Digimon eliminates all the evil from the island because all the gears that were pushing it away and now it's doing what an island is supposed to do and sits in the water not moving anywhere.
So everyone has to go on foot (or in their case swim in the water and fly in the skies) back to the main island.
For they think that is the best opportunity for them to either find their friends or defeat the guy who had separated them all to begin with.
It sure is a good thing that everybody else had the exact same idea. Otherwise half these idiots would have shown up to the island and wondered what the hell happened to the rest.
And while all that was happening Takaishi and Patamon are stranded on the main island.
Takaishi begins to cry; He's incredibly young kid over his head and separated from his brother.
Patamon is also begins to cry depressed at the motion that no matter how hard he tries he just can't seem to evolve like all the other Digimon.
Unable to help his friends in battle or even in travel. And really it's just confusing to the poor little Patamon.
Why can't he evolve?
Eventually they to get over there a little tantrum and decide to wander off in search of their friends.
While on their travels they stumble across this strange little encampment filled with eggs and tiny little baby Digimon.
Adorable little Blobs of fluff that squirm, squeak and sometimes poop whenever anyone goes near them.
It seems to be the Natural Area where all the little Digimon start their lives.
Their caretaker a little Digimon who looks like a bootlegged Pikachu from Pokemon incounters our 2 protagonists and mistakes them for thieves or enemies of some sort. So he attacks one of them starting a confrontation. The two creatures fight each other and cause all the little baby Digimon to start crying.
Eventually Takeru steps in and tells the two to stop their bickering and to resolve their problems with a peaceful game tug-of-war.
Afterwards the 2 get over there issues and are happy enough to be in each other's company.
Everything seems sweet and peaceful until you remember that there's literally a Demon Digimon wandering around who wants to slaughter the children so he can maintain some sort of evil prophecy.
He realises that the littlest of the kids is on the main island. So he sends one of his little minions to go and Slaughter him.
Which leads into our next episode in where everybody eventually makes it back to the island; Is able to defend the smallest kid from being slaughtered by this possessed Leomon and then heads off to fight the main body himself.
But even with all their combined power there unable to defeat him. He's just so ridiculously over buffed.
That is until Patamon finally evolved turning into a literal demigod and destroying the evil from the island eliminating himself in the process and opening up the digital world to an even bigger world in where all the kids have to travel to the mainland of the digital world in search of bigger enemies and a possible solution to get home.
In a way we are now through the introduction of the show. All the Digimon have evolved at least once. The kids have had a taste of what this world has to offer and now they can finally head out into the bigger World in search of answers to this weird and confusing place.
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