On the left we have Alec Guinness and on the right we have Max von Sydow. Sandwiched between them is George Segal. A baseline spy looking to break up a Neo-Nazi ring led by Max von Sydow within the confines of West Berlin.
Sounds like a fascinating premise for a film eh. Well it might be but the film itself isn't.
It's a really basic spy Thriller in where George Segal character wanders from place to place interacting with people trying to manipulate them into admitting certain forms of information and discovering a secret location where all the neo-nazis are staying. At some point during the investigation George Segal will be capture than interrogated by the neo-nazis to find out his secret base.
And sprinkled throughout the whole thing is this kind of romance between George and the random woman who's playing a German school teacher.
It's not well thought-out and they don't have enough screen time for me to believe in their relationship. So just kind of comes off like they're having a fling.
Oh and she turned out to be part of the neo-nazis to in a twist ending that really isn't all that surprising.
I guess you could argue that this spy Thriller is more accurate to actual Espionage as opposed to something like James Bond with its over the top theatrics and zany characters.
Everything here just feels stilted and weird with all these people talk to each other in straight laced coded Linguistics as to make sure they don't spill the beans about anything.
By no means a bad film. It's just kind of there.
A mainly satisfactory film with very good acting from Max von Sydow and enjoyable enough appearance by Alec Guinness though he's only in it for a couple of minutes altogether.
Personally I think there's a little too much cat and mouse with our protagonist constantly trying to elude his captors.
But that's kind of the point of the film so I'll just have to deal with it.
There's some nice cinematography shots too. Nice sweeping shots of West Berlin and some photographic still shots of famous landmarks.
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