Film Summary DCLVII (Mad Max 2)

So I've always known that 'The Road Warrior' was a good film but re-watching it I realise that it's a phenomenal film.
Fantastic cinematography, great pacing, good acting, solid but not intrusive music, Beautiful costume design and surprisingly minimal dialogue.

All culminating in what amounts to one of the best fictional worlds ever created. The post-apocalyptic semi fantasy, over the top, gas-guzzling, motor car movie.
It just oozes with its own personality and interests to such an extent that you don't need a character to say a goddamn thing to get what's going on.

The only sad thing for me is that this movie is a combination of near Perfection (In what it wants to be.) and immense popularity. Which means I don't have that much to talk about. Or at least it hasn't been covered a billion times by everyone else on the known planet.

I'll tell you one thing I won't do.
Talk about continuity in the Mad Max series.
Trying to connect this movie to the last one in the movies to come after it. It's all a giant waste of time and it arguably doesn't matter and becomes detrimental if you try to incorporate it.
Just accept that all the Mad Max movies are kind of their own thing and that they don't intermingle with each other all that well. They can make references to each other and you can kind of connect them but only in the most secondary sense.

I do have one legitimate complaint here. And it's not about the movie but some of the fans that talk about this movie*.
They all speak about how Max is a secondary character living inside of a bigger story.
And that his actions and personality don't really put a massive effect on the world.
But watching this film that's just not really that true.
We spend most of our time with Max and he is the primary mover of the whole thing.
Yes he's not that interested in the world and he doesn't give a damn if any of these people live or die. He doesn't believe in the good or bad dynamics that film would have us invested in.
But he is still the primary protagonist and the Mover of this whole thing.

You know what's one of the simplistic elements to the film. The Costume design for everybody.
We're supposed to believe that one group of people are the bad guys and the other group of people are the good ones.
But when you really look at it all these people are Savage and stingy with their resources. They'll all slit your throat if given the right opportunity. The only difference is that some of them wear white hippie clothing while the other ones where black BDSM stuff.
And I'm going to go on my own personal opinion here. I'd rather spend my time with Lord Humongous and his gang.
At least you know where you stand with those guys.

Also my preferred style of living might be more acceptable under Lord Humongous and his Rebel men.
Something tells me those gas smuggling hippies are a little too into the book of Leviticus if you get my drift.

I know it's pure speculation it's just something I kind of noticed. You don't have any gay characters within the hippy tribe. Or if you do there off screen.

*Okay so there's some speed cam work that looks like something out of the 1940s but it honestly just add to the charm for me.
