So I know I'm barking up the wrong tree given that it's a Bollywood film at all. But man this film could have done better if it just cut some time.
The obvious answer to this dilemma is just to get rid of some of the songs, but honestly if you didn't have the songs the rest of the story would come off kind of lackluster.
The musical numbers are what brings back the energy and some of them are actually important to the overall plot.
Including the first song that has this girl purposely dancing around in a seductive manner as to keep ''The Dawn'' around in his hotel room until the police show up.
This girl who you think's going to be an important character in the movie but then dies off screen within 20 minutes. At first I was going to complain about how she needlessly dies off screen 20 minutes into the story and should have just been replaced by the secondary girl who goes on to take up her mantle.
But that would be ignoring one of the weird plots of this movie where two people take up fake identities to try and take down this mob boss.
Which gets all the more complicated when you remember that one of these guys is pretending to be the mob boss.
So the whole story revolves around this guy called Don and he's the high Big Cheese mafia boss who runs all these smuggling racket surround Bombay.
At least I think it's Bombay. One of the songs in the movie sings about Bombay and how interesting of a city that is, so I would presume that the rest of the film should take place there (at least in story.)
But this big important mob boss guy ends up dying about 30 minutes into the movie. In the backseat of a police car of the man who was trying to hunt him down to begin with.
This creates a problem.
The head honcho is dead but the rest of the criminal Empire survives and the police chief who really wants to bring the whole thing down decides to bring in this street performer guy (who coincidentally looks just like the old mob boss) in.
To go undercover and pretend to be Don suffering with amnesia so he can learn everything about this criminal organisation and try to take the thing down from the inside.
Honestly it's a really fun idea for a story and I'm surprised I haven't seen more movies do it before.
It would be a perfectly satisfactory story for a good 2 hour long film but this is a Bollywood so we have to have another story in where this other guy gets out of prison and wants to kill the police captain because he put them in jail and subsequently led to his finances getting taken away from him. Which resulted in the death of his wife in the hospital.
In other words it's another one of those semi innocent guys commits one last crime for a morally good reason and then goes on a Revenge plot. But you kind of root for him because he's angry about his loved one passing.
Anyways his plot feels a bit tacked on even though it does intermix with the main story. Given his revenge angle to the police captain and the fact that. His children are now under the care of the street performer who's going in the sting operation.
The one real complaint i have about this movie it's that everybody is too conveniently connected. The street performer just happens to know the police captain and they both happened to know about this other guy's children.
And I could bring up the character of Rama who was the second female who wanted to take revenge on the mob boss but her story arc goes nowhere and she becomes extremely secondary. Her confrontation against the fake Don ending rather abruptly.
It's kind of a shame as I thought she had the best story at the beginning of the movie.
She goes undercover to Revenge the death of her sister would also was undercover to try and kill Don and in doing so learn martial arts and even convinces a group of people pretend to be police officers who she can kill with rubber bullets and blanks. All in a bid to try and infiltrate criminal organization.
The tone of the film teeters between light-hearted action-thriller and borderline comedic farce. Honestly I kind of would have preferred it if it just tried to keep itself a little more serious.
As I generally liked where the story was going and found the characters engaging enough.
The tone of the film teeters between light-hearted action-thriller and borderline comedic farce. and honestly I kind of would have preferred it if it just tried to keep itself a little more serious.
As I generally liked where the story was going and found the characters engaging enough.
Once again the time is a bit of an issue as the movie Just drags on for too long.
And there's a point at about 2 hours in for the film could have ended really conveniently with the organisation leaders being taken down and finally arrested. Maybe you could have had a final scene with all the criminals wanting to get it Don's throat because they discovered he's a undercover agent as it were.
But instead we get a hole other story and everthing just keeps on going.
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