Atlantis feels like a movie that's at war with itself. On the one hand you have this period Piece Adventure film that just wants to tell a story. The adventure of discovering a new land. But at the same time the movie can't commit to itself, so it falls back on bad dialogue, cheesy jokes and the over-reliance on sub-par comic relief.
I might be more forgiving of that given that the film has some decent traditional style animation and and overall interesting aesthetic, but you just can't ignore that this thing is a massive rip-off of other movies and forms of entertainment for the year's previous.
Including some Japanese cartoon of which I've never heard of. But given Disney's lackluster approach to story making and their crippling addition to earn every dollar on the face of the earth, I wouldn't put it past them to 'imitate' someone else's art style or general story.
Honestly the whole thing's left me of a sour taste in my mouth.
I wanted to go in liking this.
As it's based in one of my favourite time periods and revolves around a lot of fun ideas but I just can't get over the dialogue. Every time you think the film's going to stand on his own two feet and just try to be inexperienced someone has to come in with some stupid line or yammer on about some dumb character quote. it's not like that kind of language doesn't work another movies. A Goofy Movie only came out a few years before this and it uses the exact same dialogue to far greater success. Just didn't seem like Disney or a lot of the people had any faith in this movie. Hoping to God that it would make a ton of money given the amount of production value and overall secondary Investments revolving around the film.
There was going to be theme Park attractions, sequel movies and maybe even a television show. But it didn't do well enough at the box office for Disney's interests so they just dropped the whole thing and let it die without a care in the world.
You think the people that made Avatar would have taken a note from this movie and try to do things differently.
But they didn't. They are honestly just made the exact same movie again.
Story is simple enough despite its Whimsical appearance. Ancient civilisation possesses ancient power, ends up going underground because of some misuse of said power. A bunch of people from the Future travel to civilisation to acquire the power, there's a double cross. an undeserved love interests and a bigger universe that is surprisingly underutilized despite the entire premise of the movie revolving around it.
Like the Atlantean people themselves.
They might as well not exist in the first place. The land could have been empty and it wouldn't have changed that much of the story except for the very ending*.
I would have liked to have seen this movie done with a more investors group who didn't care about pandering and acquiring every last dime out there.
People who could have cut the dialogue down and just let the movie speak for itself. Maybe write out a more robust and interesting cast of characters.
I Couldn't help but think of The Iron Giant the entire time watching this thing and how much I wish I was watching that instead. so yeah there's nothing wrong with the movie it's fine but you can do better. Don't watch The Iron Giant.
Or if you want to stick with Disney movies why not the original Aladdin. Same sense of adventure better love interest a character who doesn't make you want to punch your own spleen.
Although you do have to contend with Robin Williams making a stupid pop culture references. You never escape this crap.
*So there's this old guy that funds the entire Exhibition. At the end of the movie he's sitting with the remaining people of the crew claiming but everybody else either died or disappeared trying to cover the whole thing up.
But he's the guy who hired all these people to begin with. Surely you must have known about their background and he signed off on all their weapons deal. So he's probably the one that told them to steal all the things to begin with so we can make a ton of money.
Maybe that was supposed to be the second movie; Crazy old coot goes back to Atlantis steals everything from under everybody's noses and in the name of the main character ''sells it off to the Kaiser.''
Hey it's 1915 the United States doesn't really care about the war in Europe but we'll make a jab at the Prussians anyway.
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