Television Summary XXXII (South Park: My Future Self n\’ Me)

The whole reason I wanted to watch this episode had to do with the last 2 minutes in where future Eric Cartman tells past Eric Cartman that he made the right decision in life and turned everything around to become the CEO of a real life time travelling company. And then Eric disbelieving this man to be real (I suspect even if he did believe he was really still tell him to go to hell just for his attitude.) then wanders off claiming that he's going to do all the drugs and eat all the food he wants and not give a damn about anything.

Then we see future Eric Cartman become bloated and his clothes change to that of a Tradesman* the showing that he's screwed up his entire life by coming back to the past. and it was kind of unfortunate seeing that part of the episode and then deciding to watch the rest of the episode because it's just not that good. It's supposed to be an episode of self part that makes fun of drug campaign commercials but it really doesn't spend that much time on drugs and it's just an unfunny kind of simple episode. With one of the other highlights being Eric talking to a bunch of hired Mexican children then belittling them for not spreading the fecal matter around the house correctly. And that's only funny in the most absurd sense the rest of it's just kind of there.

They're supposed message on drugs is just a know-nothing middle-of-the-road 'well some drugs are bad some are good' we're not actually going to take a stand either way.
Which is a problem South Park has had plenty of other times when it comes to actual messages.
And there one real messages just flat-out wrong.
They have this one offline talking about secondhand smoke not scientifically proven to hurt anybody. When the reality is the complete opposite.
Secondhand smoke is dangerous to people around you almost to the extent of smoking a direct cigarette. It's particles in the air that aren't the natural oxygen you're supposed to breathe; of course it's not good for you.

Honestly this is a B- episode best. The best moments you can find on YouTube and watch within 5 minutes then you can skip over and find a more entertaining episode.
Go watch the actual time travel episode where people come from the future to live in the past because of overpopulation and economic problems. That episode was overall more funny, it has a better message and it even pokes fun at its one true message about environmentalism being as the show put at the time ''very gay''.
Then had a giant pile of men having a giant orgy to attempt to end stop the future from happening. Exceptionally Juvenile and its wording is in poor taste but it's still better than this.

*The irony of Eric changing from a CEO to a mechanic is that it's supposed to be played as a negative and for laughs within the show.
But I'm looking at it thinking; ''Hey he's become a better person.'' Now instead of being some sort of Elon Musk / Jeff Bezos billionaire asshole with self-aggrandizing positivity. He's become an average everyday person who just happens to be wearing a t-shirt that's too small for his larger body.
And of course Trey and the other guy who invented the show play this up because I guess they see Tradesman as a lower form of society.
Or something like that. I mean a billionaire physically ruined the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people around them what's the worst thing a mechanic's going to do.

The point is that I came away from the scene with a different perspective than that of the people who invented the show. And took away a message that I don't think was ever intended to be in the show to begin with. That being it's better to be a common worker than a manipulative billionaire.
