Film Summary DCLXIV (The Omen)

It's time to watch a spooky movie about a spooky child. Or more correctly. It's time to look at the spooky child for about 10 minutes and then spend the remaining 1 hour and forty minutes with Gregory Peck.
Now that's not a bad thing.
In fact it's the best darn thing you could possibly hope for.
Gregory Peck is a phenomenal actor and he does a fantastic job here.
Playing this kind of grounded ambassadour father who just wants the best for his family and then constantly gets bombarded by strange advance and wacko people.
He's skeptical about the whole event unfolding around him involving literal beginnings of Revelation. But as events proceed and his life gets more and more turbulent with horrible catastrophe after horrible catastrophe he finally gives in and starts working to curve the form of evil that is his now adopted son.

That's practically most of the movie.
We as the audience get little snippets of information before Gregory Peck does and then we watch in amusement as he discovers the same bits of information and then uncovers new info proceed on his journey.

While all this is happening his wife is having mental breakdowns and becomes depressed. Ultimately dying as nothing more than a plot to get Gregory Peck back to England to try and ritually kill his son.
Of course you could also look at this movie as the tale of a man going mad and you could actually remove all the supernatural elements and just have a story about a man (and possibly his wife) getting more and more distant from their own child before they inevitably try to kill him.
But that's digging into a well that's not actually here.

It's a really well put together movie great camera angles fantastic lighting smart use of sound especially in their ambient music it all comes together to create this arguably Timeless classic.

The only part of the movie I thought seemed a little cheesy was when the evil nanny tries to throw Gregory Peck's wife out of the hospital window. As she's walking slowly towards her and Gregory's wife is just standing there and bewilderment. Now Grant you she can't really go anywhere and her arm is broken so she's kind of screwed from the get-go but it still felt a little cheesy. Nothing that subtracts in the film it's more of a nitpick on my point.

I'm quite impressed by the child acting too. I knew the kid wasn't in the movie all that much but for the small amounts that he is he does a pretty good job. He's just an average acting kid doesn't do anything devilish or evil.

He's the opposite to the girl in The Exorcist movie who's incredibly over-the-top and possessed by some sort of literal demon. Damian is just some weird little introverted kid who doesn't say much or do anything and it's just kind of nonchalantly going through the movie. You know all the time that something's up with him and that he's probably well aware of the entire thing but it just doesn't matter.

Really that's what I like about this movie. It's relatively subtle for most of its running time and the most Supernatural thing that happens is a priest gets impaled by a large Spear. And that's caused by a strike from a lightning blast.

I didn't summarize a darn thing.
Couple has a baby, turns out to be a miscarriage. They adopt a baby but the man doesn't tell the woman so she thinks it's her kid.
They moved to England, the kid grows up fairly normal for a Time. Supernatural events start happening involving weird dogs, suicides and a creepy nanny. Then George is harassed by a priest who tells them to repent and follow the ways of Jesus Christ before inevitably convincing him that he needs to kill his own son.
There's more death that happens in the middle of all this.He failures to kill a kid who ends up the adopted son to the U.S. president.

President in 1976 so I guess that's Carter? Could be Ford I honestly can't remember nor do I care. No wonder the apocalypse is going to happen. The devil being under either of those idiots, what an easy time.
Although it's going to be Ronald Reagan by the time he's old enough to do anything. I guess that works too.
