Film Summary DCCXVII (My Little Pony: The Movie)

There's a depiction of Mount Olympus in Disney's Hercules showing the Gods.
Each with their own colour and purposely oversaturated to really make them pop out amongst the bright and colourless cloudy backdrop.
It's a spectacle for the eye. And it's easily one of the prettiest moments in the film.

So imagine taking that same over colour saturation and sticking it in a movie about rainbow horses for an hour and 40 minutes.
Well now you have My Little Pony the movie.

A surprisingly well put together 2D style animated film that sadly feels incredibly out of place amongst all the other 3D Fanfare that's become so prominent in Children's Entertainment.
And it's for the simple 2D aesthetic alone that I liked it so much.
It's just a gorgeous film to look at and I've always been a big fan of these overly colourful horses and their mundane but enjoyable personalities.
There's nothing particularly interesting about the movie. It's your 'by the books' evil Invader has taken over the castle of your good Kingdom and now our main stable of friends has to go on an adventure to find help to stop set evil force.

The film falls into this odd spot where it's technically independent of the show. Which is good for a casual viewing experience.
Especially if you've never watched that show.
But it also makes you characters kind of uncharacteristic.
All the ponies go on the adventure and they come off as blissfully naive and unaware of the world around them.
Where is in the show it's been shown that they are relatively intelligent or at least smart enough to keep their heads in a difficult situation.
Once again it's not an issue for the movie itself. It works as a plot device even though the movie doesn't really go anywhere with half of its introductions.
We get this cat character who I thought was going to be something of a minor antagonist, turned possible ally. Who would accompany the ponys on their Adventure. But he just kind of falls out of the movie later on and becomes irrelevant, much like the supposed 'help' the ponies are finding at the end of their Adventure.
They're supposed to find this other royal castle with people who can help them fight against the evil forces that conquered their land.
But then their plot doesn't go anywhere anyways.

At the end of the movie the main horse Twilight Sparkle ends up back at the Kingdom, get assistance from the same five friends who accompanied her to begin, where they're able to stop the main baddie (who himself is kind of a boring) character and they're able to establish the status quo again.

The closest thing we get to any interesting antagonist is the secondary villain. A unicorn whose horn is broken and is looking to have said horn mended while blameing society around her for her problems.
And it's got all your typical My Little Pony friendship guff in it.
Learning to overcome problems, making friends of enemies, and all that typical stuff.
But it just feels like a paint-by-numbers film.
There wasn't really a point of the big grandiose Adventure.
Still I didn't really watch this movie for the story. I just wanted to see what My Little Pony looks like if it was done in really well put together traditional animation.
And it looks great.

It's a really Twilight dominant story. The other four ponies have little to no investment in the story.
They're just kind of there. Fluttershy and Rarity might as well be absent altogether for what they contribute. And Rainbow-Dash is the reason everything failed in the middle of the show.
With her stupid rainbow explosion sonic wave thing that she can do.

There's also some famous singer in the movie who was designed as a horsey and she's got hair in front of her eyes. She's some pop Idol Ikon that I legitimately don't know anything about. I thought the whole movie was going to revolve around her with the way the marketing was going on. Luckily that didn't happen.

There's no point to watch this if you're not a five to ten-year old kid or one of the dorky fans.
But hey, it's cute. It does what it needs to do.

They turned Derpy into a statue.

