Let's not the title trick you. The Lincoln is not as prominent as one may think. Hell at one point the lawyer isn't even driving a Lincoln. He's driving some crappy modern car.
All right, what we have here is a courtroom procedural with the occasional bit of suspense and one or two moments of basic, but appropriate action. T
his Lincoln Lawyer is a defence attorney who's really good at getting his clientele back on the streets even if it's incredibly obvious that they're actually guilty men.
And everything seems to be working out well enough for the guy. He's looked upon by suspicion within the legal community.
And you have the sneaking suspicion that one day all of this is going to catch up with the guy and someone's either going to shoot, stab or strangled this man to death after a badly put-together case. But things just keep on truckin.
There's a new case involving an incredibly rich guy being accused of molesting and attempted murder of a prostitute.
The film would have you believe the guy is possibly innocent, possibly guilty but ultimately just a typical rich asshole who has little to no regard for the people he's interacting with.
But as the movie progresses, Things become more dire and you discover that the clientele is not only problematic but it's downright insane.
Eventually becoming so bold as to intimidating and even incarcerate his own defense lawyer.
Now in reality I think you're going to have a few problems here.
The whole film is predicated on the idea of lawyer-client confidentiality. And a lawyer cannot purposely manipulate a case to try and make his client look bad.
But something tells me that if you find your client sitting in your house looking around menacingly and going through your things, you might be more than justified to release yourself from the case or get the police involved.
Now The Lincoln Lawyer doesn't want to do that as he has his own plans to make all this work out. He has to find a way of defending his client in an ever-expanding ever deepening case where New Evidence constantly pops up against his client.
But at the same time try to set his client up to be arrested in a different manner so that once the case is over he can wash his hands of him and have him incarcerated if not put to death for the crimes that he has perpetrated throw out the years.
This is a really well put together courtroom drama. The acting is spot on, the story intriguing but not overly complex.
and it's just enough Flair in the camera work that you never get Board of a particular scene. It has that one weird problem where they constantly shake the camera a little bit or move it up and down to make it look like a handheld and I really wish movies would stop doing that. But that's an inevitability of modern filmmaking and sometimes it works out well. Also they know which seems to purposely cut that out of and when to keep their shot station when needed.
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