Oh Team America, your political satire was dated when it came out and yet it's still sadly relevant.
Only now the veils completely off.
Everyone's making the same joke as you talking about the same. Corruption, bad political, nonsensical celebrities who don't know a damn thing about anything. Constantly trying to tell other people how to think.
It's a sad time all around.
But you're still out there and people still watch you. And I suppose that's okay.
The story is purposely nothing great. Being a spoof of those old 60s puppet shows with simplistic stories and basic morals. Only given a immature tone and a lot of crass humour.
You certainly didn't help change anybody's Minds on bigoted views towards Western Asian peoples.
Now really the real reason you'd watch Team America today is either you're interested in that very particular Trey Parker sense of humour, or you're like me and you have more fun staring at all the ridiculously well put together set pieces and puppetry sets.
like it's ridiculous the amount of effort that went into some of these shots.
There's a scene of lower Manhattan that's done to shockingly beautiful scale and it's only in the movie for maybe a minute or two.
But they put so much effort in all the same.
It's gorgeous to look at and so is everything else in this movie.
Which is kind of ironic given that there's a puking scene that happens for a good minute.
Still can't be little the effort put into this film.
It probably should have won an Oscar for technical design or cinematography. One of those Awards nobody actually thinks about, but I think are far more important than just giving Baseline celebrity a shiny golden statue because they made a subpar performance in a massive Hollywood success.
As you can tell I don't really have anything to say about Team America. It reflects the bush-era pretty well. But you can find better things to see.
It gets more dated with every passing year. At least it's not Iron Sky with its horrible Sarah Palin jokes.
That went down the tubes real quick.
And they didn't screw the pooch by putting all their money on Hillary Clinton and then losing out there either.
Though we all got screwed over by that one.
Was anybody else rooting for Kim Jong-il in this film.
I just thought it'd be more fun to see him win out in the end. Especially given how smug and annoying the main characters are. I guess it goes to show that comically stupidly evil endear better to me then blindly stoic evil.
Only now the veils completely off.
Everyone's making the same joke as you talking about the same. Corruption, bad political, nonsensical celebrities who don't know a damn thing about anything. Constantly trying to tell other people how to think.
It's a sad time all around.
But you're still out there and people still watch you. And I suppose that's okay.
The story is purposely nothing great. Being a spoof of those old 60s puppet shows with simplistic stories and basic morals. Only given a immature tone and a lot of crass humour.
You certainly didn't help change anybody's Minds on bigoted views towards Western Asian peoples.
Now really the real reason you'd watch Team America today is either you're interested in that very particular Trey Parker sense of humour, or you're like me and you have more fun staring at all the ridiculously well put together set pieces and puppetry sets.
like it's ridiculous the amount of effort that went into some of these shots.
There's a scene of lower Manhattan that's done to shockingly beautiful scale and it's only in the movie for maybe a minute or two.
But they put so much effort in all the same.
It's gorgeous to look at and so is everything else in this movie.
Which is kind of ironic given that there's a puking scene that happens for a good minute.
Still can't be little the effort put into this film.
It probably should have won an Oscar for technical design or cinematography. One of those Awards nobody actually thinks about, but I think are far more important than just giving Baseline celebrity a shiny golden statue because they made a subpar performance in a massive Hollywood success.
As you can tell I don't really have anything to say about Team America. It reflects the bush-era pretty well. But you can find better things to see.
It gets more dated with every passing year. At least it's not Iron Sky with its horrible Sarah Palin jokes.
That went down the tubes real quick.
And they didn't screw the pooch by putting all their money on Hillary Clinton and then losing out there either.
Though we all got screwed over by that one.
Was anybody else rooting for Kim Jong-il in this film.
I just thought it'd be more fun to see him win out in the end. Especially given how smug and annoying the main characters are. I guess it goes to show that comically stupidly evil endear better to me then blindly stoic evil.
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