So if X-Men Apocalypse was a bad movie with the possibilities of being good, then Sonic the Hedgehog is a (presumably) bad movie that's actually okay.
That is to say; I went into this movie with little to no expectations, thinking it was going to be a horrible.
And it wasn't.
I don't think it's all that great.
Genetic is the key word I'd use to describe it. But it's suitable.
And I honestly don't know what else they would have done with this.
There are a lot of good stories you could do with Sonic the Hedgehog and his universe. But if you're giving a major Hollywood company the IP to a character they know nothing about. With a director and actors who couldn't give a damn, then you shouldn't be surprised with your outcome.
They went with that fish out of water reproach. With both of our two main characters. That being Sonic and generic white guy.
I don't know what his name, I don't even know the name of the actor. Sonic calls him the 'Donut Lord' so I could go with that.
Anyways it's your typical Supernatural or alien creature hiding out with everyday protagonist man while being pursued either by the government or some sort of crazy scientist.
In this case it's kind of both. Only we really don't see the government and it's just Jim Carrey acting like it's 1994 running around and screaming an awful lot.
He doesn't quite go into Riddler territory, but oh boy he gets close sometimes.
And I'll be honest he's performance was teetering on Annoying.
I was kind of amused by him at the very end when he started talking more like a traditional Robotnik and didn't have any hair on his head.
Rather or not he'll continue that in the next movie (if he's even in it. I'm sure he is.) Is yet to be seen.
But there's a possibility of something good coming out of all this.
Also Tales got introduced for a literal 5 Seconds.
So I'm probably going to watch the next movie regardless cuz if you put that silly little Orange fox* in anything I'm bound to go looking for him.
This is one of those films where if you wanted to, you could sit down and needlessly nitpick everything like one of those pedantic idiots on the internet.
But why would you want to do that.
It's a movie that's very clearly aimed at children and I'm actually kind of happy about it.
I always have this horrible fear that Sonic, Mario or any of these other major entertainment icons are going to be needlessly push that at the older audience that grew up with them. As opposed to trying to get new generations to enjoy them.
The older fans don't need an adulted Sonic. Most of them don't want an adulted Sonic.
They just wanted good and decent story.
And they almost get it here.
A bunch of people are very happy about this film and I'm glad for them. It's not my cup of tea, but it's also nothing to be ashamed about either.
*It would be kind of cool to see Tails as the mentor character in the second Sonic film. Like Sonic has been running around various worlds with little to no supervision, reading comic books and learning internet dances.
So it'd be kind of nice to see his role reversal. Tales a character who's very clearly travelling from another world and looking for Sonic, most likely in an attempt to either bring him back home or training for some upcoming Danger.
And Tails could be the mentor character who helps him honing his power or understand the world's better or give some guidance on what he supposed to do next in his life.
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