There lived in the land of green a halfling folk Stout, not mean.
One of them was old.
Older than most, celebrating his "eleventy first" (birthday) with fun and great roast.
He stood around his family expansive.
He had with him a ring of strange and queer power. What the flick of a finger and the jolt of the eye he disappeared from beneath the sky, and ran off back to his hobbit hole. He set the ring down and went for a stroll.
He took with him some clothing and goods leaving everything he owns too old Mr.Frodo son of Drogo.
He breathed in the fresh air and exclaimed with glee ''I look forward to seeing the mountains and having one last adventure.''
Mr. Frodo came home to find that Bilbo was gone, left with the letter and an envelope containing the magic ring.
Frodo looked at the ring amused as he was, saddened by the departure of his long aged uncle. But amused he was by a trickery ring which could make one disappear.
But as he's smile grew wider the Earth began to shutter. There was great trimmer in the sky and out from which came ''Retcon!! Retcon!! And a voice proclamed;
''More shall you fear, for this ring is not merely a parlour trick but the Incarnation of a Dark Lord's will.
The ring that was fun and helpful was now a burden that would that would cripple the soul of he who wore it."
And Frodo felt much grief. As the world he knew crumbled away and a new one was constructed afront his very eyes.
It looks nearly identical to the world he knew. Filled with the same people and tribulations as before.
Only now that was great turmoil in the lands to the South as Mordor, Isengard and other mysterious places began to stir.
The ring that was fun was now dark.
A great many people came in search of said ring. Either for the betterment of its power or the destruction of its form.
Gandalf appeared claiming; ''Frodo You Must Destroy This Ring with in Mount Doom. You shall take Sam with you, as he's spying from below the windowsill''
And people complain;
''But what of the Eagles, what of the Eagles.
Surely they could have ended this adventure much quicker if only they were utilized.''
Not knowing that the Eagles are not merely a toy to be used it ones most simple convenience.
They are beings of Might and power who may or may not have free will Over there own demeanour.
The Eagles could be manipulated by the Rings power and would probably pick off Frodo's head to get it said ring if given the opportunity.
It also would have made for a dull story if a bunch of eagles dropped a couple of Hobbits into a volcano.
Oh most definitely, but not good.
This is a reason I bring up the joke of the retcon. In the original The Hobbit story, The Eagles did fly Bilbo and his friends from one place to the next with ring in hand with little to no effect on them.
But that was in a story where the ring was just that, a ring.
It was no great importance to elves or Wizards. There was no great Overlord looking to destroy the world of Middle-earth and Conquer it.
That's all from a later tails.
That's like looking back at the Jewish stories of the Old Testament and proclaiming that they foretold of Jesus.
Yes Christians would like you to believe that, but it's just not the case of the stories. The New Testament was written with the knowledge of the old one, the Old Testament has no connection to the new.
And it's the same deal with The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings except the volume size is reversed.
Anyways the Lord of the Rings movies are fantastic. A true Testament to how to take a Literary story and transfer it to the world of film.
It doesn't bastardised its source material but it doesn't copy it either.
Instead they created there own unique take on side Stories and in my opinion it done flawlessly.
The acting is superb, the music is fantastic. The set design and CGI are solid and well put together. Some people complain of a CGI troll within the fellowship. But honestly I'm so invested in the movie at that point that I never think about it when the time arises. I'm sure if I went back and watched again right after the first viewing I could see something but it's not enough to ruin any part of the story.
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