I like having a good movie to watch but I'm always a little sad whan I have nothing relevant to say about it.
And The Dish is that type of film.
It's one of those feel good movies like a Rudy or possibly Forrest Gump* where it has conflict and issues, but that's not really a point of it.
Instead it's just this really nice put together story that's kind of based off real events. But romanticize just enough to make it interesting for the theatre.
It has good acting, it's got a nice set up, its premises all around good.But I just don't know what to say about it.
I could recap I suppose.
The stupid blog is called Dylfilm summary and it's very rare that I actually summarize anything.
Oh why start now. If you want a summary this movie you can look up the actual events. Having to do with this ridiculous telescope in the middle of nowhere Australia.
Come to think of it that's kind of a stupid way to look at it. Of course you put scientific equipment in the middle of nowhere. It doesn't get any interference then.
Look at all the American stuff. It's based out of a a Desert, under a mountain hundreds of miles away from a town.
You know what's one thing I really like about this movie. It has that fifties aesthetic like the American 'Leave it to Beaver' 50s look but it doesn't feel as corny or fake as most films that tried to pick that era. Maybe it's because it's based in Australia.
Anyways The Dish is really good. It flows really nicely. the central story of keeping in contact with Apollo 11 doesn't get interrupted by all the secondary stories of mayoral greetings towards an American ambassador. Or the world's most unsatisfying love interest story between a dorkiy Cadet and what I can only describe as a "militant second wave feminist stereotype girl" which is kind of strange given that I don't think second-wave feminism becomes a thing until like the 70s. I could be wrong on that.
She's kind of played up as a punchline, but I don't think you're meant to disagree with her statements. A lot of what she says is pretty spot-on. It's just everyone around her couldn't give a damn probably because man was landing on the moon. I'm sure somebody could go somewhere with that turn it into a film Theory.
She's a modern day internet person come to think of it. Angry, reactionary, possibly full of good advice. But mainly just bitter.
Thinking about it, and I realize what this film is. It's the movie Roland Emmerich always wanted to make.
It's multiple character-driven multi-storied, focused around a central theme with an ever-changing, every progressing cast of characters, that occasionally loops back the earlier events. But for the most part always continues on.
It's easy to follow, relatively entertaining and regardless of the outcome you leave the theatre with a warm conclusion.
The only difference is that this movie is done quite well. It has a solid enough screenplay with actors who are given enough of range to feel individual and unique.
Something that I just don't think Roland's films ever get the chance to do.
How's that for an opinionated take.
*Forrest Gump is one of those movies that I've seen everybody talking about lately, as if they're re-examining it to see if it's good or problematic.
If it's anything like most pop culture on the internet I'll probably have some meddling opinion that doesn't go in either direction and bus isn't really all that interesting to discuss.
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