Film Summary DCCLII (Ghostbusters)


I'm a little conflicted with Ghostbusters. 
Bill Murray is easily the funniest thing about the whole movie. 
He's the closest thing you have to a protagonist and overall I enjoyed his character. 
But my God is he's constant hitting on Sigourney Weaver is just so creepy to me. 
She's clearly not interested in Bill's character. She only has to put up with his constant advancements and annoying personality because her house is literally possessed by ancient evil deities. 
And then the way they gradually grow for each other throughout the film is super unnatural. 

Now I get it.
It's not a romantic comedy, it's not focussed on the two of them. There romance is really just there as a side Story to the much bigger and more amusing Ghostbusters escapades of hunting ghosts. 
But it still creeps me out. 
If you're not going to dedicate the time to making the relationship work than just don't pay it any mind. That's what they did with Egan and Melnitz. 

So beyond that, Ghostbusters is perfectly fine to me. I have no love for this movie or it's ridiculous franchise. 
But it's a fairly solid comedy. It's one of those movies that has a hundred different jokes going on and maybe a third of them are actually funny. But it's still enough that it keeps you amused all the same. 
And some characters like Rick Moranis who started out really annoying than become surprisingly funny towards the end especially when he's possessed by the evil demon dog. 

Did he and Weaver's possessed character end up banging on the altar at the end? Like was the two of them Conjuring together what created the portal to let the most evil demon come forth. How screwed up is that.

It's Ghostbusters. The pacing is grates, the acting of solid, the writing is really good. The jokes are fairly decent and the special effects are phenomenal. 
It's kind of like Spaceballs to me. It's enjoyable and I'll most likely see it again but I have no great love for the movie. It's better than Spaceballs. Better written, funnier jokes.

There's a whole slew of people on the internet talking about how this movie is pro-corporate or describes the antagonist as not really being that bad because he's technically doing his job. 
And although I can kind of agree.  He is still an absolute ass of a man. 
Should the Ghostbusters had a better legal set up for their containment units and actually go through federal or even state regulations. 
Well of course they should have. 
That still doesn't give dickless the right to just shut down the containment unit. 

If there's a condemned building with its old tenant still living there the health inspector (or whatever your official job title is) can legally have these people kicked out of the building for health reasons. 
But you can't just then go and take a hammer to the building and start demolishing it yourself. 
You have no knowledge of demolition or the structural Integrity of the building.

And the same rules I think would apply to a supernatural ghost imprisonment system. 
Although if we go down this rabbit hole then we start deconstructing the whole film. the premise of how the universe works, the legality of the Ghostbusters, the psychiatric and physical impact of ghosts in the real world and before you know it the entire movies broken down and destroyed because the consistency and real world implications simply cannot coexist with how the movie actually functions. 
But then you've got to remember that it's just a fun comedy trying to do a fun story and getting lost in the weeds of continuity and nitpicking is the worst thing you can possibly do. 
Unless you're making an evening of it for fun.
