Film Summary DCCLVIII (Bear Island)


In a way it's almost a shame that I didn't dislike the movie. 
Then I could call it ''UnBEARable!'' and move on with my life. 

Sadly Bear Island is okay. 
Not great, not horrible in fact it's quite mundane in a lot of ways. 
It has a pretty good setup. 

A strange Norwegian man was killed on a small desolate island and then a group of scientists heads to the Island to investigate. 
But also to conduct studies on possible effects of climate change that at the time are believed to by caused by the Soviet Union screwing up river flows, by reversing the direction of the water. Thus depriving or oversaturating the Arctic Waters thus altering the entire state of the planet. 
I thought that was a pretty good hook for a film. 

A bunch of eco-terrorists covering up a conspiracy of some weird Cold War gimmick that happens to be over looked upon by NATO. Then covered up to keep the civilian scientists away from what's going on.
Instead we get this very basic film about a few German guys and a Norwegian trying to steal Nazi gold of all things. 
The fact that we have Donald Sutherland in the film just makes it worse. 
Now I'm just getting Kelly's Heroes Vibes and that's gold tier (if you'll pardon the pun) of Nazi gold films.

Even the Nazi gold plot started as kind of interesting. 
Donald Sutherland's character is the son of a submarine captain who was stationed on the island during the second world war. 
He was subsequently killed there and is the major reason that Sutherland's character wanted to come to the island. 
And I thought maybe they (the screen writers) were going to go to the extreme route having a secret Nazi base that was still being employed by the original crew of the old submarines. Perhaps they had developed an atomic weapon and they were planning on using it as a revenge against England to the United States or whoever. 
But no. 
It's just gold. 
And most of the film becomes a who-done-it of attempted murder and finding out who the major crook is. 
Which by the way is like 15 different people. 
Everybody supposedly knows about this gold and they all want to steal it. 
It becomes a bit of a mess later on. 
Which in a way is a shame. 

The acting overall is decent though the audio quality is really crappy. 
It was difficult to hear what certain people where saying and half the time they were turned away from the camera, so that didn't help things out at all. 
There was an attempt and some romance between a couple character that that never goes anywhere. Christopher Lee is literally an afterthought and you might as well not be in this movie. 

To give it some credit it's got some really well films Landmark scenes. You get to see all the tundra of the island area and it looks really nice. There's some decent chase seems towards the end of the movie where they're using all these weird Arctic scooters and boats to run around each other. 
And the fight choreography though very outdated by this point was enjoyable enough to watch. 
The last confrontation between the two major creeps is actually kind of fun. 
They just keep using weird boat\artic related objects to try and kill each other. Like a flare gun or a ski pole.
