Film Summary DCCCXVII (A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich)


You know sometimes you watch a movie simply because of the weird title. 
And this film certainly falls into that. 

I had no idea what I'd be getting. 
A student drama, A Slice of Life, some sort of pseudo-documentary. But no instead we got this very up and down story about a kid suffering with a heroin addiction. A semi child 'prodigy' whose life is run amok by drug use. 
It's a little basic and its depiction of drugs and it does the whole marijuana is the road to addiction plot.

The overall story is okay. Though I feel like times the film was losing Direction. 
Sometimes it had random bits of conversations with characters who were set up in the first half of the field and completely forgotten about in the second. 
I often wondered if the film wanted to focus on drug addiction problems or internal family drama. 

Sometimes it teetered between the two but often it felt like the two stories were almost at conflict with one another. 
Still the acting from Larry B. Scott was absolutely top-notch. His performance alone is what makes this movie watchable. 
His chemistry with Paul Winfield is fairly well put together. Sometimes it seems a bit cliched, but it always comes back to a sense of genuine affection.
