Film Summary DCCCXXIV (Slice)

So I watch this film called Slice. 

I just found it on Tubi one day and figured, why not. 
Wasn't sure what I was going to get out of it. 
Didn't know if it would be a comedy, horror flick or action movie. 
It was a complete mystery. 
And ultimately what I got was a wannabe comedy with slight horror elements that feels like a 2nd grade internet film. 
Like something you'd see Red-letter-Media or The Angry Nintendo Nerd make. 
And that's not a mock against the film. 
I actually didn't think it was half bad. 
A bit disjointed and kind of incompetent with its writing. 
Like if they had focused a little bit more on character interaction they'd probably could have made this into a fairly solid comedy, but ultimately it's just a series of events all semi connected via a mysterious murder, revolving around a ghost town that plays surprisingly little into the environment of the film. 

Like the whole movie revolves around this abandoned part of the city where all the ghosts of the town have been located too. After the original Cemetery where the ghost were all resting was turned into a mini mall. 
And there's this organization that's claiming to help the ghosts but secretly hates them and you think it's going to be this movie about possible class struggle between perceived humanitarian movements that are actually giant money schemes trying to obliterate an impoverished group of people. Or some sort of metaphor about gentrification. 
There's so many different little story paths this movie could have taken. 
It could have devolved into a stoner comedy involving drug deals and the supernatural Undead and wearwolfs. 
But it just feels like a bad detective story and a bad ''facing your demons'' story smushed together alongside a comedic Supernatural Tale all trying to coexist at the same time. 
It's a mess. 
My statement above is a mess and the only reason I don't throw this movie to the wind is that it's relatively entertaining. 
The acting is decent enough, the dialogue (though stilted and a bit strange at times) is at least comprehensive and because of its many storylines and ever-changing dynamic it does keep you guessing throughout. 
I didn't expect a portal to hell to open up at the end of the movie and a bunch of witches to start fighting Undead ghost people.

So this is what I would call a perfect party movie. You can stick it on in the background with your friends, you can pay attention to it if you want. You completely ignored and still more or less get what's going on. Or at the very least enjoyed enough even if you're not invested. 
And all the technical aspects of the movie are perfectly fine. 
Decent makeup, Goods lighting effects, okay special computer effects given the low budget and some surprisingly okay driving scenes. 
Also somebody had a big love for vintage cars cuz there's all kinds of wacky vehicles that just pop up out of nowhere. The police for some reason drive around in some 1940s police wagon and it's never explained why. 

Also I have a hankering for Chinese food.
