Film Summary DCCCXXIX (Motel Hell)

If you plant people in the ground and treat them like plants for harvest does that make your products vegan?

What a strange little film. A brother and sister duo owns a small motel and runs a private jerky making business. Their jerky proves to be quite popular. 
They use a special ''ingredient'' for flavouring and they Proclaim to use no additives. 
The actual cannibalistic murdering brother-sister Duo is really fun to watch and I feel sorry for the girl they ''saved'' from one of their death traps at the beginning of the movie. 

I feel like they weren't entirely sure who should be the protagonist of the film. It's not the girl' you'd think would fill that role. 

Also the cop character who supposed to be the good guy who saves the Damsel in Distress is a slimeball loser who I really wished had gotten turn into a pack of beef jerky. 

The tone of the movie is all over the place at times and I feel like It could have done better with tighter editing but overall it's pretty fun. That chainsaw fight at the end just comes out of nowhere. And I'm for it.
